Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Just an overall bad one

I felt like putting them in the corner today. I didn't. I was tired, busy, irritated, crabby, just overall not having a wonderous day. And, I knew she wouldn't stay there.

Another day of Hayden not listening. Another day of yelling by me at this poor little boy. Another day of me screaming at him, asking him why is it so difficult to just pick up his stuff and put it away? Why is it so difficult to lead Maya in another direction than to the dog food bowl? Why is it so difficult to just sit and eat your lunch at one time? Why is it so difficult to stop running so the dog chases you and then grabs onto your shirt creating a hole from her teeth? Why is it so difficult to drink water instead of juice? Why is it so difficult to play where I tell you you can and not on the kitchen counter? Why is it so difficult to just stay downstairs when Maya goes up for a nap? Why is it so frigging difficult to simply stop when I say stop? Why is it so difficult to just say, "Okay mommy I will stop/can do that/will listen/will drink my water/will eat nicely/will do whatever it is that you tell me to do"?!!!
I hope it's because he's three and 11/12ths years old and will diminish these actions upon turning four. I am not asking for it overnight, cuz I know that ain't gonna work. But, geez, I'm ready for a break.
And Maya.... How many times does she need to be pulled away from the dog food bowl? How many times does she need to be pulled out of the bread cupboard? How many times does she need to be yanked from the toilet bowl or toilet paper? How many times does she need to hear NO when her little fingers approach the computer keys? How many times does she need to drop food on the floor only to be yelled at because the dang dog eats what she drops? How many times before all this becomes the past?
I think my kids are swapping issues a little. Neither one listens now. Maya is into waaayyy more stuff than Hayden was at this age (he was no angel don't get me wrong!). Maybe this means Maya will be a listener when she's 3 and 11/12ths? Here's hoping.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Morning Craps

I like to get up before the kids and have a cup of coffe while watching the news and facebooking, checking e-mail, catching up on blogs or just reading. I set my alarm for 6 am thinking that I will be able do all of the above. Most of this summer this hasn't happened. Why, you ask? I know what you're thinking. It's because I continually hit the snooze button to get those extra 9, 18, 27 (good math huh?) more minutes of shuteye. Nope. The reason is (Okay, I hit it once) Miss Maya decided early in the summer, that 6 am is a great time to soil her diaper and wake up.

Is my girl taking some sort of fiber pill at night so she can do this? It never fails. My alarm goes off at 6. I hit snooze and two minutes or so later, I hear talking on the monitor. Crap. No pun intended. To lay there or not to lay there. Laying in bed longer could mean serious diaper rash. Better get up. But what if she didn't and she's just woken up by the sun beaming into her room? I get up.

Yep, just standing in her doorway, the unmistakeable odor has already made its way to the hallway.

Now the big question. How in the world do I stop this so I can selfishly get some alone time? She's lucky she adorable.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Tonight's observing...

I brought my baby girl home from the hospital a year ago. Tonight, I am watching her walk around the living room. She takes 8 or so steps and then either falls on her tush or grabs onto something. She's come up to me now and is playing peek-a-boo from behind the screen. She's walking away and went ahead and took away a monster truck from Hayden's lineup. She's back. Playing peek-a-boo. And now off to the trucks again. Man she's a speed demon! I am typing as she's going. Maybe Mr. Weinrich didn't teach me how to type fast....
Hayden, as I said, has his monster trucks all lined up (she's back) on the crease from the automan and chair. He's gonna be four in less than two months. Augh. I can't get over how fast these kids are growing. I knew they were going to grow up, but geez!
I can tell Maya is learning knew things each day. She loves emptying boxes, tubs, buckets of toys and putting them back inside. She's starting to catch on that the bottle is leaving her and the sippy cup will be taking over soon. She knows the word NO when it's said to her. She puts (she's gotten ahold of 2 monster trucks. Hayden got captivated by the TV), anyway, she puts her baby into it's stroller (okay sometimes head down) and takes it out. She knows Daddy has a bit of a soft spot only for her.
Hayden goes back to preschool next Monday!!! If you are a mom of a three year old, at one time or another, this is the best thing to come around the corner! Hayden loves (OH MY GOSH!! Hayden just gave Maya a big HUG for no reason!!), sorry... Hayden loves preschool! I sometimes threaten him the day before that he can't go if he's not listening or misbehaving. Generally, things get done when those threats are given. Hayden is a great kid. He can be sweet, thoughtful, caring, adorable and the best little boy. He just has those annoying outbursts of whining, likes to irritate and can be a pain in the rear. I am anxiously awaiting age four as I hear that is better. Fingers crossed!
So this ends the story today. I was just observing the kids at play and thought it'd be a good blog time.
Now, I have a bottle of wine calling my name.....

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

She's 1 today!

Today is the day I have been dreading for exactly one year. A year ago, I was hugely pregnant and just wanting the baby out. Today, I would give anything to have that feeling back again.

Miss Maya is one today. I have so enjoyed having this little sweetheart around. I've wanted to stop time so many times to keep moments alive. Those moments are way gone and now she's just about walking.

Maya was born with a full head of dark hair which is now blonde and curly. She's popped four teeth and is working on another. From just being able to lay on her back and kick her feet, she's a speed demon crawler who is pretty much walking, but still lands on her butt too much to be considered fully walking. She smiled for me on her one month birthday and now she beams showing off those four teeth and squishing up her nose. She's been long out of the infant carrier that she came home in and is now a front facing diva. And to go along with the diva, she has a drama queen side of her that comes out at times.

We didn't know we were having a girl. I always thought this baby was a girl. One year ago, I had a baby girl. She is all girl and we are enjoying her to the hilt!!

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