Another day of Hayden not listening. Another day of yelling by me at this poor little boy. Another day of me screaming at him, asking him why is it so difficult to just pick up his stuff and put it away? Why is it so difficult to lead Maya in another direction than to the dog food bowl? Why is it so difficult to just sit and eat your lunch at one time? Why is it so difficult to stop running so the dog chases you and then grabs onto your shirt creating a hole from her teeth? Why is it so difficult to drink water instead of juice? Why is it so difficult to play where I tell you you can and not on the kitchen counter? Why is it so difficult to just stay downstairs when Maya goes up for a nap? Why is it so frigging difficult to simply stop when I say stop? Why is it so difficult to just say, "Okay mommy I will stop/can do that/will listen/will drink my water/will eat nicely/will do whatever it is that you tell me to do"?!!!
I hope it's because he's three and 11/12ths years old and will diminish these actions upon turning four. I am not asking for it overnight, cuz I know that ain't gonna work. But, geez, I'm ready for a break.
And Maya.... How many times does she need to be pulled away from the dog food bowl? How many times does she need to be pulled out of the bread cupboard? How many times does she need to be yanked from the toilet bowl or toilet paper? How many times does she need to hear NO when her little fingers approach the computer keys? How many times does she need to drop food on the floor only to be yelled at because the dang dog eats what she drops? How many times before all this becomes the past?
I think my kids are swapping issues a little. Neither one listens now. Maya is into waaayyy more stuff than Hayden was at this age (he was no angel don't get me wrong!). Maybe this means Maya will be a listener when she's 3 and 11/12ths? Here's hoping.