Monday, February 22, 2010

I'll be what?

Hayden and I had a conversation centered around Playdough and making snakes out of the salty stuff. He said that I couldn't make a snake yet because I wasn't big enough.

Me: What do you mean, "big enough"?

H: You will be big enough in 2 months.

Me: How much bigger?

H: 25

Me: 25 what? (obviously plotting my wardrobe in two months time)
H: 25 old.

Me: I'll be 25 years old in two months?

H: Yep.

Me: Yep, I'll be 25 years old in two months. :)
On another note, I found this adorable recycled skirt on Etsy last week and I couldn't pass it up! In fact, I got two. This one and a pink and grey one with a diamond on it. The person who makes them is local, so I was lucky to cut off the shipping costs and pick them up! The skirt is made out of old tee-shirts! I love it!! I was going to pair it with babylegs today, but it was a bit chilly out and she needed more coverage.
The Etsy shop has more than just these darlings. Check it out here:

Thursday, February 18, 2010

To draw someone easily.

Hayden wanted to draw a picture of a person. I asked him who he was going to draw. At first, the picture was going to be Maya. Then he stopped and said he couldn't draw her because her hair was curly and that would be too hard.
So, he changed the picture to Grandpa. I asked him which Grandpa he was going to draw and he said it could be either. Why could it be either one?
"Because they don't have much hair so Grandpa's are alot easier to draw."

Friday, February 12, 2010

Well, that's a first.

I've heard of this happening to parents. But it hasn't happened to me. Until today.

I went to get Maya from her nap. Typically, she has everything from inside the crib thrown out of the crib. Blankets, bears, baby, NUK, pillow. Sometimes socks, sometimes not. And she's usually doing laps around the mattress crawling or walking, pointing out everything in her room when I walk in the door.

Today was no exception. Except there was something else thrown into the mix on the floor. Her diaper. Luckily, just a little wet.

That's the last time she goes down without pants.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

It's a little too ironic

Just about two weeks ago, my Grandma's house burned down. No one was home in the duplex at the time, so reasons for the fire are yet unknown. My Grandma sold the house almost two years ago to move into assisted living, but for me, it was still hers.
Today I got my first copy of the Renville County Register, the local newpaper of my hometown. On the front page was a picture of the house, that I remember being built, ablaze. I remember my Grandpa walking around the house checking the progress of the home being built still just a frame of 2x4's. That was somewhere around the summer of 1986 (?). I have lots of memories of their home; of Christmases, cardplaying, sitting on the patio, meals, games, and family. Always full of happiness, always a popsicle in the garage freezer, always a can of pop in the fridge, always an enjoyable place to be, that was Grandma and Grandpa's house.
So, where is the irony? The reason I have the subscription is because it was my Grandma's subscription. Rather than my parents getting two a week, my dad had the address switched and it's now sent to me.
I'll be having a glass of wine for Grandma tonight.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Close to crying

I was so frigging close to crying today. Not for sadness, not for lack of sleep, not for losing my was because Hayden read to me today!

Hayden has been going to a wonderful, I repeat wonderful preschool for just about two years now. I know he's been learning just from day to day things; counting, sounding, singing, general stuff. Typically I ask him what he did in preschool that day and he says, "nothing" or "just {fill in the blank}." His teacher always gives me a little rundown of the day, what he did, how good he's doing, etc. I am always amazed at what she says because he never continues at home! He'll talk a little about it, show me his letters and sounds. And in a matter of minutes, he's done. I am totally okay with that. He's four, I get it. The attention span of a four year old is short. So when he doesn't want to continue, I stop.

BUT!!! Today!!! He READ to me! I was literally almost brought to tears!! He was so proud of himself. More proud than I have ever seen him! He has this little book that he has been working on at school called, "Mat" and today he brought it home. I knew he'd been working for a couple days on reading this book, so I thought, okay, he has it memorized. Well, he may have it memorized, but I could tell he was really reading it. He was sounding out the words, stumbing a couple times, but actually reading. He was really looking at the word, putting the sounds together and forming a word. He was making the word 'mat' into a three syllable word to a one syllable word. (Insert me singing a trill here.)
So, typically, he shows me what he does at school and he's over it. I tell him he has to show Daddy when he gets home. He was so excited to read to Daddy when he got home that Daddy got read the book in the bathroom.

I am a proud, proud mom today.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

She's 18 Months already

I'm feeling guilty for not starting this blog the minute Hayden was born. Why? See the last how many posts! Since "day one" I've taken both the kids' pics every three months for the first year, every six months for next two and then onc ea year following. So that's: 3 mo., 6 mo., 9 mo., 1 yr, 18 mo., 2 yrs., 2.5 yrs., 3, 4... And seriously, I am so anal about when they turn each specific age, they have been taken on the day they turn that age or at least the day after. Not before.
But, because I started this blog when Maya was a baby, it feels like all I do is post about her! Hayden is a great kid. Cute, smart, funny, and wonderful. But, because he has gone through all the changes that Maya is just starting, he gets left behind so to speak.
Kids change so much up until they are 3. Hayden is four and hasn't changed all that much in the last year. Know what I mean?! Maya has gone from just sitting up to crawling to walking to running to climbing and on. Hayden is learning like crazy, but to look at him isn't a big change.
So, without further rambles from my guilty self, here are Maya's 18 month pictures. I wish I had the cd for Hayden's pictures from the past. I would so do a comparison of the two.

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