I love the new words Maya is learning and hearing how she says what. Some take some time to figure out exactly what in the world she is telling us, but once it's known, it makes things so much easier.
Take, for example, the word "nana". Most people would assume this means Grandma or some other important woman in a child's life. Not in Maya's world. Nana=NUK. Know how long that one took to figure out? Ya, awhile. But, now we know what she means and are happy to
Other words are more obvious like ba=ball, bow=bowl, Papa=Grandpa, Mama=Grandma, tee=teeth, eeeee=eat and so one, you get the idea.
She says Mommy and Daddy like a pro and if you've heard her, you know she says it upwords of 500 times a day. She points to pictures and tells you who's who, pointing to herself when her's comes around. But when it came to Hayden, she never really repeated the same word twice. She'd make weird noises or nothing. But we knew who she meant, mostly because she'd point. Now, finally, she has a consistent sound, yes, sound, for addressing her big brother. Hayden=Nnn.
I was hoping she'd call him, Den, Hay, Hayhay, Dude or something along those lines. Nope, we get, Nnn. Not even, En. Nnn.