Thursday, July 29, 2010

It's just too soon

2 years ago, I was hugely pregnant (ya, that's me!) and trying everything and I do mean everything to pop that little baby out in the month of July. I have a thing with August's birthstone, it's not that pretty, and really wanted that Ruby! Okay, I don't really want a Ruby, but it's so pretty! pair that up with Hayden's Sapphire and can you say lovely?! My due date was August 1 and I was just gunning for July 31 or sooner.

No luck.

Squats, countless spicy foods, pineapple and mandarin oranges, tea, some kind of drop that I just cannot remember the name of, walking, and the unmentionable didn't work. I wasn't about to do the Caster Oil thing again. YUCK! It was simply a waiting game. Waiting for something to happen. Waiting to find out what we were having. Waiting to find out if we had a Maya Christine or some boy we had yet to agree on a name for.

We just waited.

(our first shoot by jackie lindfors photography, brilliance. see side panel for more of her fabulousness)

Monday, July 26, 2010

Wash, Dry, Fold, Repeat

Can I tell you about last evening and this morning? Well, I'm gonna anyway.
Yesterday was busy, fun, tiring and fun. I will skip the majority of the day as it was good. Got cooking done for Buddy's week, went to a birthday party and relaxed a bit. Then, after the party, I started the laundry. Here's the pileup of loads: whites, lights, jeans, darks, greens, rags/kitchen towels/pool towels, king sheets and bathroom towels. That's what, 8? I planned on staying up until they were all done, but decided to quit when I had one load left to do in the morning. So, 7 loads in one night.
Buddy had left for his week away, so it was fine with me to keep busy with this task. 10:15ish I headed to bed. I had let Prada (dog) stay in Hayden's room. I've let her before, she likes to lay on his bed. I just started to fall asleep and I heard some barking. She doesn't bark. Frick. It's raining, not storming, just a light drizzle. So, I trudged with her downstairs and put her in her kennel. Turning around to head out and I hear something not correct. She'd barfed in her bed. Geez. She basically inhaled a bone, so that's what she gets.
Another load of laundry. Had to put her bed cushion in the washer. Load number 8 for the day.
Prada locked up, I headed back to bed. 11:00 or so. 20 minutes later and I am fading off, I hear the pitter patter of Hayden. He's no longer in his pj's and has just a pull-up. My mind goes tracing back the the big gulp size of Gatorade he had with pizza. Shoulda known and put him in a pull-up right off.
Another 2 loads of laundry. Mattress pad=1 and sheets/pj's=1
As I am making H's bed, I notice dog barf on the comforter, then step in it in three different areas upstairs. Getting pissed, I get the carpet stuff and clean up all that. Luckily it's not messy stuff, thankful for one thing.
Got to sleep probably 12:30 or so and up at 6:30. Stepped in a piss puddle left by dog in front of the couch on the carpet and another barf spot next to it. What the Frick!! I haven't even let her out yet, so this is last nights leavings. No Bailey's for the coffee either.
This all cleaned up, two loads out of four done and third going in just before kids' bath.
Into the bath go kid one and kid 2. Hayden's out, off to his room to dress. Finish up with Maya, let her go and hang up the towels. As I am rounding the corner to get Maya into her room, I hear this: "MOM!! Maya peed on my bed!"
Sure enough, Maya went straight to Hayden's room, climbed up on the bed and let go. One more load of laundry added.
So, that's a grand total of 12 loads of laundry in less then one day. I am giving myself a HUGE pat on the back as EVERYTHING is folded, hung and put in it's proper drawer before 2:00.
I'm tired.

Thursday, July 22, 2010


It's official. Maya can no longer go with just a diaper on. She strips. She is also able to shrug off her shirt and shorts if they are loose enough and have no hardware. Hayden never even attempted the removal of his diapers. Maybe it's a girl thing?

Case Number 1: See picture.
I had just left her pants off. Let's face it, sometimes it's just to hard to put them back on especially if you know you will not be venturing out. I saw her strip off her shirt. Ok, fine, she's hot, it's okay.
As I am loading pop in the fridge, she comes barreling down the hallway cheering, smiling and carrying her diaper. She drops it on the floor and gets herself into the fridge.
At one point, she turns around, presses her little tush against the drawer and says, "Mommy, cold!!"

Case Number 2:
Basically the same; too lazy to put pants back on, no shirt. But, this time she comes running to me with her diaper proclaiming, "Poop! Poop!!" As my eyes double in size and my mind starts racing, I see the diaper and it's clear. Whew!

Case Number 3: and I think the most important.
I put Miss M down with a shirt and diaper. It's been hot and figured it'd feel better than shorts on top of that. I was getting ready when Maya awoke from her nap. Hayden offered to go and get her and I said sure.
Then I hear it. Hayden's running feet coming back to my bathroom.
"MOM!! You have to get Maya she has poop!"
'oh crap'
I brace myself for what I could see. I am picturing a horrible mess, a horrible smell, just all around horribleness.
Man, was I lucky! Maya was just sitting there on top of her diaper, with it open and just staring at the happening in her diaper. She just looked at me, said "poop" and let me close it up and take her out.


Monday, July 19, 2010

The Pedals

The kids and I went to my brother and sister-in-laws house for an over night stay and a trip to Flagstaff. We left yesterday after dinner. Kids were excited, had the ipod tuned up and we flipped to our fun sing along songs that really only we like.

As we were singing and "dancing" along to The Black Eyed Peas, "I Gotta Feelin' ", my foot decided to slip off the pedal and fall back under the pedal. I felt a light scratch and continued on the way, singing, but not as jollily. After a minute or so, it was still hurting so I quick took a peek and saw blood. Holy cripes! The pedal cut my foot and pretty dang good too.

Called the bro and asked for a bandage and cleaning stuff for my arrival. That taken care of, we continued.

Ten minutes later, jamming to Nickelback, "This Afternoon" (I know, not the greatest band, but that tunes catchy) I see a tow truck completely stopped in the center lane. Now, I am going 70, in the far left, although not the carpool, lane. I see a white minivan stopped in front of the tow truck with a blown tire. So, I started to veer to the carpool lane to get around and also allow room for the other cars needing to get over.

This is the exact time that the van decides it's gonna slowly crawl over to the carpool lane. My thoughts at this moment: Um, Hey Stupid!! You are on a FREEWAY with cars passing you at 70 MPH! What the mother &$^@(#* heck are you thinking?!

Let's just say I have VERY good breaks and tires on my Flex. I stopped with probably 6 inches to spare and don't need new tires.

The front secured, I look in the mirror to see another white vehicle swerve over from the carpool lane to the right to miss smashing us in the back by probably a foot.

Thank you Jesus, Mary, Joseph, Grandma and Grandpa W. and Grandma and Grandpa B. You were VERY MUCH looking down on the kiddos and I.

My heart finally slowed after 15 more minutes of driving. I momentarily forgot about the bleeding of my foot and THANKED everyone I could think of for watching over us, including every individual involved in the building of my car.

Monday, July 12, 2010

All you need

All you really need when you take a dip in the pool:

Swimmer, no suit


Big bow in your hair

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Today I:

Slept until 7:10.
Made a run to the dealership to pick up Buddy after dropping off his truck at 8:30.
Shampooed the RV carpet 6 times and am sure I didn't get out all the dirt.
Gave the pup a bath only because Maya, Prada and I were all in the bathroom at the same time.
Snuggled a little bit with Maya and watched the first half of Beetlejuice while waiting for Buddy and Hayden to come home from Home Depot. This, was HEAVEN!!
Killed about 20 flies using my deep fryer spatula because the fly swatter broke and we have
about a gazillion flies in the kitchen.
Made sandwiches.
Put up a lovely fly tape/trap in the kitchen.
Stepped on the tack that comes with the fly trap to help attach it to where ever you'd attach it. Those things friggin hurt to step on. Right where the big toe bends. I haven't walked right all day.
Put Maya down for a nap and had to wake her after only and hour and a half to retrieve Buddy's truck from the dealer.
Helped Bud a little with RV fixes.
Painted a frame/board that Buddy lovingly crafted for me.
Swam in the pool with my family.
Danced in the pool with my son.
Had a nice dinner of pretty much unhealthy goodies.
Enjoyed a beer or two.
It was a nice, productive, painful, happy, lovely, humid 110 degree day in Arizona.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Excuse Me?

I have to post this before I forget.

Hayden has been curious, thankfully not obsessed, about death since my Grandma died, little questions and comments here and there. Last week, as we are driving to the gym, he asks, "Mom, will you die when you're 90?" Just out of the blue asks. He knows Grandma Ginny was 90 when she died. I just reply with an, "I'm not sure, maybe." and hope that's the end of it.
Not so much. Going a different route, the next conversation goes like this:

H: Mom, when you die we won't have a Mommy anymore, just a Daddy.

Me: Um, okay, ya, I guess so. But, let's not talk like that because Mommy isn't going to be dying anytime soon.

H: It's okay though, we'll get a new Mommy.

Me: *mouth agape, eyes blinking

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Lovely weekend

We camped in the pines over the long weekend. Leaving Thursday about three, we made the four hour drive up the mountain to the loveliness of Greer (the area of), Arizona. Beautiful pine trees (I wanna say Ponderosa and Pinon, but I cannot be sure) and Aspen trees. The Aspens seriously sparkle when the wind comes through. Aahhh.

We stepped out of the truck and got shivers from the unusual feeling of a chill. We slept with the furnace on. We'd just been in 112 degree heat and are only 4 hours away with the furnace running!!

Couldn't have asked for more perfect weather. I don't think it went over 80. I'm not a human thermometer though, so I could be wrong. The kids played like crazy, we relaxed like crazy and all had a blast doing so.
My favorite thing I have found while camping is keeping the fire going. I LOVE putting logs on the fire, making the flames reach to the sky, warm everyone and light up the camp.

I wanna just point out, I loaded ALL the wood onto the truck!! (Buddy cut it.) :)

There were no emaculate highlights; the whole weekend was grand. It is so nice to get away from the house, the heat, the cleaning, cooking, TV, computer, laundry, the constant feeling of 'I should really be doing _____', and being together as a family non-stop with great people thrown in.

Happy Belated 4th of July!!! We didn't have fireworks, but we celebrated our independence.
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