Friday, August 20, 2010

There is sweetness there

Hayden has been a complete BEAR the last couple weeks. He will have a great day and then the next two are horrendous. It's been the cycle all summer. I am chalking this up to this: He's bored! He was in preschool for two complete years and now he's been out for 3 months and he's getting plain old bored.
He is signed up for a new preschool, but it doesn't start for almost another month! Fingers crossed the weather starts a little cool down so we can do more outdoor things cuz we are going stir crazy. And that's another thing, I think the heat is wearing on us all. It brings out the crabbies.
So my reason for this post... Last night, H threw a fit because I wouldn't let him watch his "show" before bed. Initially I was going to let him. But, when I was talking to Buddy on the phone saying good night, H gets up from the couch, heads over to Prada who is just laying there, chewing her bone, and he full on kicks her and heads back to the couch. Well, the channel is changed, Good Night is said and a fit blows up.
I tell him what he did was so wrong he does not get a show and does not get a book. Then it's a fit to brush teeth, go potty and get to bed. All this with poor Maya looking at him like, "Dude, just do what she says so she doesn't yell at you. You know that's not fun."
I get him into bed, explaining a dozen times why there is no show and no book and pretty much threaten his life if he gets out of his bed and I hear any sort of peep. Sorry, I hadn't mentioned, it was not a good morning or afternoon either, so the day was already a mess.
Then this morning, this smiling boy comes downstairs, AFTER 7, says "Good morning, Mom." in a most joyous way and tells me this: "Mom, I made my bed just like you showed me! I did it all by myself!"
He was so happy and so stinking proud of himself, I almost cried when I went up and saw that he did indeed make his bed. He put the shams on too. He pulled the comforter up and layed out the sheet. The Dude has a queen bed, it's not an easy task.
This little gesture, made my anger fade away. It was a good day today.

Monday, August 9, 2010

It's Love and Hate

Loved by H and hated by me.
I am so stinking tired of hearing about Mario and Luigi and Bowser and Yoshi. Hayden lives in Mario's world. At least he thinks he does.
He will talk about them like they are his best friends. He talks about it with other kids and most of them look at him like he's crazy. Other's join him in talking about his LaLa Land.
This is what I hear EVERY DAY!! Even if he doesn't play the darn things!
"Mom, Mario and Luigi are in the backyard and they do this thing that...
Mom, Luigi is in the forest and he's...
Mom, Yoshi and Bowser are fighting and they...
Mom, Mario grabbed the star and it exploded...
Mom, Mario is running through this sprinkler and...
Mom, Luigi and Bowser take their car and they..."
I can't complete the sentences anymore because I tune out by the time the name is mentioned. Seriously, I am hoping he gets in big trouble soon so the DS and Wii are not available for at least three days.
His Grandma and Grandpa bought him (I wasn't there) a Mario t-shirt. It's his favorite. This is a kid who never cared what he wore, ever. I didn't wash it this week so we could go awhile without seeing it. He's asked me the last two days if it's washed yet.

(the ds + the shirt!)

Sigh, this too, shall pass.... Right?

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Miss Maya is 2!!!

Happy Birthday to my BEAUTIFUL baby girl!! It's simply amazing that it's really been two years of laughter, joy, craziness, adorableness, and love. Buddy, Hayden and I are so blessed to have this little girl in our lives and hearts.
You could say that Hayden was very proud to be a big brother! He knew it was a girl the whole pregnancy and never wavered. Everytime we asked him if he had a brother or a sister coming, he always said it was a sister. I have precious pictures of him holding her, but this is the one where his expression is just too priceless.

Happy Birthday Miss Maya!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Baby JennBud 2

Two years ago today at approximately 8:45 pm, I had just put away the laptop and was positioning myself to watch the rest of National Treasure with my mom and Hayden. Buddy had just started heading to bed when it happened. I felt something a little different. Sure enough, my water broke.

Buddy says to me "Seriously?" I say yea, I think so and headed to the bathroom. Yep, that's what happened.

My goal now: get to the hospital in time for the epidural.

I remember Hayden freaking out a little that Grandma would be putting him to bed and Daddy and Mommy were kinda just up and leaving him.

Buddy drove and called his parents as we were on the way. The hospital was 20 minutes away and things were getting down to business. By the time we got there, contractions were already 5 minutes apart and getting painful.

Into triage quickly, IV connected to get that one bag of fluid in me before the good stuff and we were off to delivery. By this time, it was about 10:30.

Our Baby JennBud 2 was soon to arrive!! We had a girls name all ready and set, but a boys name was stumping us. When the lovely and talented anesthesiologist sauntered in and did his thing, I asked my nurse what his name was, thinking, 'Hey, he does good work, maybe if it's a boy he could have that guys name.' The nurse replied that his name was Shamus. Fingers more tightly crossed it's a girl.

By 11:00 the epidural was kicked in and the doctor was on her way. I was feeling good and ready to meet our new little one.
Just over three hours after the start of this little venture at 12:02 am August 4, 2008, Maya Christine Blattner was born.

When Maya was ready to be weighed the doctor asked me what I would guess her weight would be. Thinking that she's a girl, she couldn't be more than Hayden was at 8 lbs. 4 oz., I guess 7 lbs., 9 oz. or so. WAAAAAYYY off, Miss Maya toppled her big bro at 8 lbs., 12 oz. and had a bigger head!

I can't believe it's been 2 years already. The laughter and happiness this little girl has given us is indescribable. I could make millions if I could just bottle the joy that oozes from her.

Happy Birthday Miss Maya!!!

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