Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Comparing at 3

I love to do comparisons of the kids at each of their milestone ages. Mostly because Hayden was always big for his age, never going below the 95%ile in height or 90%ile for weight. Maya is a little more average, which I like. She's staying in her clothes more than 3 months at a time and looks her age. Hayden was and is always guessed a year older than what he is and as a baby, about three months more than what he was. The last year and a half when we'd go to the grocery store when other kids were in school, we'd always get, "was it a half day today? How come you're not in school? Is there a break already?" And our reply was always, "he's only 4/5, he's in preschool." The response, "Wow! You are tall!" Yep.
And with that, here are pics of the kids each at 3. The stats: Maya, 37 inches tall and 29.75 pounds. Hayden at three: 39.25 inches tall and 36 pounds.

Both cute as can be, however. =)

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Give me an answer

M: Hayden, what did you do at school today?
H: I don't know.
M: You don't know what you did today in school?
H: No, I just don't remember.
M: Well, I saw you get on the bus and you got off of a different bus. Did you actually go into the building, into your classroom, see your teacher and learn something?
H: Well, yes.
M: Ok, so what did you do in school today?
H: We didn't have recess.

**Just about every day!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Sleepy Sleeperson

I recently put in 100's of pictures (I'm just a little behind) into the kids' albums. As I was doing this, I realized just how many pictures I have taken of Maya just sleeping. I assume it is my subconcious telling me to take them, as this is pretty much the only way I am guarenteed her sitting still for a photo.
As I looked at them, I am glad I do take pictures of her sleeping. She looks so peaceful. She also shows how flexible and funny she is. Amazing I can still capture her personality even while she is fast asleep. =)

One of her last nights in the crib.

Very rare moment of her falling asleep during daylight.

One last one in her crib with all her bedtime pals.

Her first night cuddled in her toddler bed.

Not sure if this s an attack of the Lamb or if she was holding it and then moved.

I have so many more, but I don't think I need to overload it. These were only ones I found in a quick search of pictures. Soon, there will be pictures taken in a super big girl bed! She's starting to get a little big for the toddler one. =(

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Sassy and 3

My sassy Little Miss is 3! She's something you have to see to believe. She's non-stop, seriously non-stop, all day, from the moment she wakes up until her head hits her pillow. She's got a diva attitude, but she's a sweet little thing just as much. She is stubborn and goes at her own pace and way of thinking. She's beautiful, funny, cuddley, animated, shy and friendly, lovely and she's mine. =)

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Minnesota, You Betcha, Part 2

The second week of our trip was just the kids and I to my hometown. We were back and forth to the lake and town. It was fun, relaxing and a smidge on the hot side. The kids had a blast at the lake, even though the water was so high it was hard to swim. I always have fun just seeing the place I grew up; how it's changed and how the people have changed.

Starting off with some fun in the lake. Where Hayden is should be shore, but it's a good foot high.

Where the dock should be are just steps. So we sat on the lower steps waiting for boats to bring in some good waves.

That was a good one.

Thumbs up for a fun day!

Pool fun in town. They only used this once we were so busy. Still fun if only just once.

More lake time. The steps again playing with boats.

The kids and I at the lake.

We went to the Mall of America one day to the Sea Life Aquarium. It was really cool. The jellyfish were my favorite, Hayden's were the sharks and Maya wasn't sure, but she touched a starfish.

My flash has been acting up, but apparently Hayden wasn't in the mood for a picture anyway.

He was in the mood to check out the mini LegoLand. The kid was in his own little heaven.

Then Maya spotted Ni Hoa Kai Lan (I have no idea if I spelled any of that right) and made a beeline to her! She grabbed her hand, played with her hair, gave high fives and hugs. Hayden wanted nothing to do with her and would only be in the picture if I was. He couldn't get away fast enough and Maya pretty much felt her up again.

We went to the local little coffee shop and the kids got the Electric Blue Smoothie. She was still blue the next morning.

The golden eagle outside the bank.

One last day at the lake. Maya is dodging goose poop.

And Hayden finally got to ride in the kayak because it was calm enough. Not only did he go with Grandma, he got to do it all by himself too!

Such a fun time, such good memories of our two weeks up North. The pictures I posted do not do our vacation justice as I think my total was 368 taken. I am so thankful to have both of our families within driving distance of each other so we can spend time with both. It may be only one or two weeks a year, but we make it count. =)
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