Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Lady Maya and Sir Hayden

I've been playing around with Ms. Maya taking her picture. I've got a fun camera and she is now sitting up and being very playful. It's no professional camera by any means, but it's halfway there!
I thought of using my strand of pearls (very cheap pearls) and a "backdrop". I also put her in a dress which I wore at the same age. The things you can do to a baby and there is no complaining! The pics turned out pretty cute.
Then, a friend turned me on to this scrapping website and now I am addicted!!! Thanks Shannon!
Here's my second and third creation. You will probably be seeing lots of these little posts. I may be loosing a lot more sleep!

Here's Number Four: I couldn't not do a Hayden one!!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Keepsake of somekind?

The other day I was getting ready for the gym; putting on my staple attire, finishing off with the hoodie. Apparently I have not worn this particular one in quite some time. As I was putting it on, I noticed a little heaviness in the right side pocket. Generally I don't put anything in these pockets as they are high up and not practical. But, for some reason, something was there. My hand went into the pocket and extracted a light blue Nuk with an orange handle. Hayden's.
Hayden has been off these things for almost a year now. He wasn't allowed them in the car a couple months prior to completely ending, so, the Nuk has been in the pocket for close to a year.
Sigh...... I don't know why, but this discovery made feel a little sad. He hasn't been a baby for a mighty long time. He hasn't asked for a Nuk since a week after he quit. He thought it was Maya's.
The nipple on this thing seemed ginormous compared to the ones around the house now. This one was rubber, Maya's are silicone. It's blue, Maya's are pink, purple, green or white. Yet I was compelled to keep this darn thing. Why? It's old, will never be used again, it's been in my pocket for a year and my baby boy is now a big boy. Sigh....
To end the tale, I threw it in the garbage a couple minutes (yes, minutes) after its discovery. Tonight as I was gathering the garbage for Friday morning pick-up, I turned over the can containing the Nuk and various other trash into another for disposal, and the Nuk fell to the floor. Nothing else fell out. Just the light blue Nuk with the orange handle and rubber nipple.
It's sitting on my dresser in my closet now. ?

Monday, January 19, 2009

Maya and the Spoon

Maya is not taking to the spoon like I would have hoped. With Hayden, it took maybe two days and he was gobbling baby food up! He finished five number ones plus two bowls, full ones of rice cereal, every day until I moved up to the number twos and then it was still four of those. Maya is getting me frustrated. She'll take a couple bites of the veggie, one bite of the fruit and maybe two of rice. She just doesn't open her mouth. It's been three weeks of this. I literally have to hold the bowl up to her mouth just to get her to open up. I do fruit and rice for breakfast; veggie, fruit and rice for lunch and dinner.
The photo above, she hit the spoon and I ended up flinging it in her face. Poor thing, but she laughed. I think she's thinking it's more playtime or something....
So, I thought I would just try feeding her in her saucer to see if maybe she wasn't digging the high chair, but nope, same thing. I'm sad. I don't want her to grow up, I want her to keep just the bottle. But, I don't want to do the bottle all day long and need her to start chowing down on the real stuff!! She gets excited when she sees the food. The legs start kicking, the hands start grabbing and the face gets cheery, but after a couple bites, she's done.

Anyway, just needed a vent.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Okay, Hayden said a funny thing today. I am trying to keep this more of a family type blog, but instead of starting a new blogsite, I am just going to go with it and post it. Not that it's anything gross or inappropriate, but it may just be a little too much info for some tastes. Oh well, I don't know who all the people are who may log in and check me out anyway, so here goes:

I was going to the bathroom and you know 3 year olds, they follow you. Hayden said to me "Mom, you wear too much underwear." What? "I said, you wear too much underwear, (pointing) that's too much!"
I was wearing a thong.

If that's too much, I don't want to know what the next step down is!
Laughed for a couple minutes at this little man. Where does this stuff come from!?

Sunday, January 11, 2009

The Best Little Sound

The best sound is a baby's laughter, I think. I love it even more when it's because her older brother is making her laugh. This went on for over ten minutes while I was making lunch. Isn't it simply amazing what can make a baby laugh? :)

Outside in January

Okay, so I can't lie and say I don't like the weather in January in Arizona, but I do wish it was a bit colder. I'd like to at least wear a sweater once this year!

The kids and I took advantage of a nice Saturday afternoon since Daddy was working and headed to the park. Hayden loves showing off on the equipment and Maya just loves being outside. It was her first feel of grass.....

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

A Glimpse into the Future

Years flashed before my eyes today. I saw my son as he may look as a young man. I didn't like it!

He'll be gorgeous of course, I just didn't like the fact that my baby, my first born, my little boy is going to be a big boy, a young man and a man one day.

I took this picture to show his aunt, Chrissy, his shirt she gave him for Christmas and this was the outcome. Can you not see the man he's going to be someday?

He's only three, I know I have many years ahead, but I couldn't help but get a little choked up. My baby, my first born, my little boy is growing up.

Thursday, January 1, 2009


Christmas Eve consists of preparing the evening meal, being a bit lazy, going to church, then dinner and gifts. I truely love mass on Christmas. The music is always wonderful. Okay, so I am a little bias, my mom is songleader along with a great group of singers and musicians; violins, piano, clarinet, and keyboard. They play a few songs that genuinely bring tears to my eyes because I start reflecting back on past Christmases when I was a kid. I'm not really into the mass part, but I do listen. My mind just tends to wander and then I start just looking around the church at all the beautiful paintings, statues, marble, and people.

This year however, at Maya's first Christmas mass, she decides to fill her pants, so my reflecting gets interrupted. This happened before the first reading. I have a hard time walking out of church when people aren't standing or singing. I tried to wait so I could leave at an appropriate time. But, because I couldn't plug my nose, I walk out to go change her.

As I am approaching the door to go back into church, I hear Hayden start acting up to go by me. We sit very close to an exit, I opened the door and got him out. Now, I am in the church hall, with the two kids and it's not even halfway done. Luckily, a guy I went to high school with was there with his son, so the boys played cars and he and I caught up a little. His wife came out and said let's just go home. Her mom had forgotten to put their ham in the oven and since they weren't even in church, they may as well go home and put it in.

I was able to sneak back in just after the homily, which I really didn't want to sit through anyway. Sorry, but that's when my mind really wanders.

When we came back in, Hayden was the perfect 3 year old. He talked quietly, played cars, and sat a little. He was as good as I hoped for. I was shocked! He actually attempted to sing along. He knew zero of the words, but he was trying. Maya played and looked around and babbled a bit. We were actually able to participate as a family in church!

And then Hayden opened his mouth. Of course he had to say something, it was too quiet. We were kneeling, listening to the blessing. The church was fairy quiet, only Father was speaking, but at a break in the blessing Hayden proclaims "I Farted!" Could you hold back a laugh? I said you have to be quiet. "But, I Farted!" After again telling him to be quiet, I quickly sneaked a peak around. Nope, all older people, nobody heard! Well, my brother sitting next to me did, but that's okay.

Only later did I find out that the family of the couple whom I had been talking to on my little break in the hallway, who were sitting two rows back and on the other side of the pew, heard him.

Nothing like a joyous Christmas exclaimation!
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