Thursday, January 1, 2009


Christmas Eve consists of preparing the evening meal, being a bit lazy, going to church, then dinner and gifts. I truely love mass on Christmas. The music is always wonderful. Okay, so I am a little bias, my mom is songleader along with a great group of singers and musicians; violins, piano, clarinet, and keyboard. They play a few songs that genuinely bring tears to my eyes because I start reflecting back on past Christmases when I was a kid. I'm not really into the mass part, but I do listen. My mind just tends to wander and then I start just looking around the church at all the beautiful paintings, statues, marble, and people.

This year however, at Maya's first Christmas mass, she decides to fill her pants, so my reflecting gets interrupted. This happened before the first reading. I have a hard time walking out of church when people aren't standing or singing. I tried to wait so I could leave at an appropriate time. But, because I couldn't plug my nose, I walk out to go change her.

As I am approaching the door to go back into church, I hear Hayden start acting up to go by me. We sit very close to an exit, I opened the door and got him out. Now, I am in the church hall, with the two kids and it's not even halfway done. Luckily, a guy I went to high school with was there with his son, so the boys played cars and he and I caught up a little. His wife came out and said let's just go home. Her mom had forgotten to put their ham in the oven and since they weren't even in church, they may as well go home and put it in.

I was able to sneak back in just after the homily, which I really didn't want to sit through anyway. Sorry, but that's when my mind really wanders.

When we came back in, Hayden was the perfect 3 year old. He talked quietly, played cars, and sat a little. He was as good as I hoped for. I was shocked! He actually attempted to sing along. He knew zero of the words, but he was trying. Maya played and looked around and babbled a bit. We were actually able to participate as a family in church!

And then Hayden opened his mouth. Of course he had to say something, it was too quiet. We were kneeling, listening to the blessing. The church was fairy quiet, only Father was speaking, but at a break in the blessing Hayden proclaims "I Farted!" Could you hold back a laugh? I said you have to be quiet. "But, I Farted!" After again telling him to be quiet, I quickly sneaked a peak around. Nope, all older people, nobody heard! Well, my brother sitting next to me did, but that's okay.

Only later did I find out that the family of the couple whom I had been talking to on my little break in the hallway, who were sitting two rows back and on the other side of the pew, heard him.

Nothing like a joyous Christmas exclaimation!

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