Sunday, September 20, 2009

WHAT?!?!? He's 4 already!??

Four years ago....Headed to the hospital at 6:15am. Got the call at 5:30am to come on in to be induced. Prayers were finally answered. Having tried everything possible to get this baby out, it was just going to have to be this way and I was completely fine with that! At 9:13 pm our Hayden James arrived. 8 lbs 4 oz, 21 inches and perfect!

3 weeks

The first year just flew by so dang fast! One minute I was holding him all swaddled up and the next he's zipping around on his little feet. Seriously, SLOW DOWN!

First Birthday

I look at him from time to time and am just amazed that I carried this little baby in my arms and now he's this 'big' little boy who loves Corvettes, Transformers and preschool. He counts, signs the alphabet, remembers the smallest details, swims like a fish, and is in love with his sister.
The last year was a struggle with him. I am hoping he was just "testing the waters" and will start to settle down soon. He is a very sensitive guy but pretty tough when he needs to be.
As I type, he is enthralled in playing with his new Legos he got for his birthday. He is totally fine with Buddy building and himself observing how it's done. These are the little things I love. Playtime with Buddy and his little Buddy. It's quiet and he is playing, perfectly content.
So, now we're off to start his forth year. I cross my fingers tightly that it is the start of a good one!


1 comment:

shanon said...

Gosh they look so much alike! Cute! =) I hope he had a wonderful day.

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