Wednesday, September 1, 2010


I get homesick this time of year. Every year for the last 9 years, I've gotten homesick for Minnesota. Why? Because here in Arizona, we don't have Fall.

This time of year has a different smell in the air in Minnesota. It's a smell that tells you school will be starting soon, football season has begun, something is changing. I miss this dearly.

I get no smell here. There is no crispness in the night air. School has already been in session for a month. I really want to wear jeans all the time now, but I'd be kidding myself and sweat all day long.

I miss driving up to St. Cloud this time of year. The drive is always so pretty with the leaves changing and the Fall decor being put up. The grass is still green, but the trees, oh the trees! Apple orchard signs are out and the smell of cinnamon starts seeping from everything.

I get to rely on my Cinnamon Cider Scentsy fragrance or being smacked in the face by the overpowering cinnamon odor coming out of the craft stores, fake Fall leaves and wearing shorts and tank tops to watch a football game on TV.

It'll cool down in November. Gee, can't wait.


Rachel said...

I am feeling for you!! I love fall too - it's my favorite. However, ours is MUCH later than Minnesota's, I'm sure. It starts in October. I can't wait!

Mark, Shannon,Trey, Boston, & Lola said...

Oh you made me want that now too!!!! I put my stuff up today lol!

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