Friday, February 18, 2011

How did you grow so big overnight?

Have you heard this song? I have known it since November and I still tear up when I hear it. I first heard it in the slideshow our photographer put together with our family pictures along with a few others. The refrain started up just when it was flipping through pictures of Hayden.I completely started to bawl. Not cry, bawl. Luckily Buddy wasn't home so I didn't have to explain myself. I have since put this one and others on my ipod. The kids enjoy them as much as I do. I do have to keep my composure when listening to this one.
Now, before you click on it, get some baby pics of your first born or second, third, forth, all of them, whomever, and start flipping through them. You'll see what I mean. Seriously, I tear up every time. Every. Single. Time.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Four Wheelin'

So the Dude is still on training wheels and it's kinda driving Buddy and I nuts. He has no desire to try the two wheel thing. The funny thing is, he had a smaller bike that he was totally on two wheels with and since we've had this one (last Spring) he doesn't want the trainers off. Ever. Literally.

Today I asked him if we could start practicing with two wheels maybe this weekend.

H: No, I think I just want to wait until I am 17.

M: 17? Your gonna look pretty weird being 16 and on a big bike like Daddy's with training wheels. Can we maybe start trying when you are 5 and a half? (He has a big think about turning 5.5. He's like super excited. I think he may be expecting a party.)

H: (insert big sigh) Fine, we'll do it the easy way.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Who grew the neck?

This morning I took told of Hayden's neck and gave it a nice squeeze from the back. No calling CPS, it wasn't hard! Geez... Anyway, he asked why I squeezed his neck.

M: Because I made it and I can.

H: You didn't make my neck.

M: Yes, I did. How else did you get a neck?

H: You didn't make it. I just had a head when I was a baby and then my neck just pushed it up. Then, I had a neck.

M: Alrighty then.

I jotted this done on my facebook and then got to thinking and I remembered these pictures from when he was about 2 months old. He may be right:

It's funny how we can remember taking some pictures and can't place when others were taken. These I remember. Buddy was holding him and being the new mom that I was, I basically had the camera attached to my hand. I snapped the first one to take note of all the chins. Right after, he got a little wiggly and Bud held him up a little. All of a sudden, this neck appears.

And now he's five. Excuse me while I curl up into a ball in the corner and cry about how time nevers stops.

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