Monday, February 14, 2011

Four Wheelin'

So the Dude is still on training wheels and it's kinda driving Buddy and I nuts. He has no desire to try the two wheel thing. The funny thing is, he had a smaller bike that he was totally on two wheels with and since we've had this one (last Spring) he doesn't want the trainers off. Ever. Literally.

Today I asked him if we could start practicing with two wheels maybe this weekend.

H: No, I think I just want to wait until I am 17.

M: 17? Your gonna look pretty weird being 16 and on a big bike like Daddy's with training wheels. Can we maybe start trying when you are 5 and a half? (He has a big think about turning 5.5. He's like super excited. I think he may be expecting a party.)

H: (insert big sigh) Fine, we'll do it the easy way.

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