Sunday, March 6, 2011

You're Awesome

Buddy and I moved a tree today. This involved digging a hole, digging up a large tree root, moving the friggin heavy tree to the newly dug hole, filling in around the tree and filling in the old tree hole. Both kids "helped".

As Buddy dug the new hole a little deeper without my help because the ground was really hard. I mean really hard. My weight jumping on the shovel barely cracked the surface. Anyway... As Buddy was jumping onto his shovel and breaking up the dirt Hayden said, "Daddy, you're awesome."

Buddy says, "thanks Bud."

Hayden: Is that why you became a Dad? So you could be awesome?

Buddy: Yep, that is exactly why I am a Dad.

Hayden: Cool.

Yesterday, Hayden told Buddy that he didn't love him anymore.

Apparently I am not awesome.


Anonymous said...

What? He said he didn't love Buddy or you? Because you are not awesome?

Jennifer Blattner said...

He didn't love Buddy because he got in trouble. I just figured I wasn't awesome because I had just done the same thing Bud did.

Rachel said...

Ha! If only parents were considered awesome ALL of the time...

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