Whoever says that girls are easier to train than boys did not meet my boy and my girl. Hayden was actually pretty easy. I chock some of it up to his best buddy doing it at the same time. I was also more forceful with it because preschool was coming up and Baby was on the way and there was NO WAY I was having two kids in diapers at the same time. Hayden's actual "training" was maybe a month. He loved hearing us say, "Good job!" and "I am so proud of you." This was a big influence on him. If we didn't say one of these when he was done he would say, "Say you're so proud of me!"
Once, after lunch at the Rainforest Cafe with my parents, we all went to the restroom before we left. Hayden insisted on going with Grandma. When he came out, he had a big smile. I asked if he went and he said, "yep." I said my, "Good Job!" When I came out, he asked if I went. I said, "Yes." He said, "Good job!" =) I haven't gotten a 'Good job' from Miss yet.
Maya doesn't really seem to care. By this age, Hayden was completely trained, in underwear during the day and Pull-Ups at night. Maya, is still in diapers at night, Pull-Ups day. She really doesn't seem to care. We do the "Good job!" and "So proud of you." thing with her too. She gets a big smile and says "Thanks" most of the time and then two hours later she's wet.
However, the last couple days, she has started realizing when she has to go, so I think we may be on the right track. My goal is to be done in two weeks because we are heading out of state for a couple weeks after that. Her goal is whenever, she just wants Minnie Mouse underwear.
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