Sunday, September 11, 2011


10 years ago today I was at my home in Payson, Arizona. I had flown back to AZ from Minnesota after being in a friends wedding the weekend prior. I woke up and turned on the Today Show as I did every morning. I just sat there in disbelief, shock and horror. I didn't know anyone involved in any part of what happened. My family was safe, my friends were safe. I couldn't believe the feelings that went through me. I could not fathom how something so horrible could happen here or anywhere. I don't understand why and no one can I don't think. We can just remember, hurt, pray, feel, grieve, and question.

All day I online and on TV there have been stories on what happened. Everyone is sad, remembering and grieving over ten years past. There was a story in the paper on the babies born that day, making it a day of celebration for many families. What I didn't see on the news, in the paper, online, was the bickering, blaming, feuding, back and forth political battles, and crap that we see everyday.

It is more saddening to think we live in a place where the only day we can all get along is a day of saddness and horror and constant grieving. One day.

God bless the USA! Today and everyday.

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