The photo above, she hit the spoon and I ended up flinging it in her face. Poor thing, but she laughed. I think she's thinking it's more playtime or something....
So, I thought I would just try feeding her in her saucer to see if maybe she wasn't digging the high chair, but nope, same thing. I'm sad. I don't want her to grow up, I want her to keep just the bottle. But, I don't want to do the bottle all day long and need her to start chowing down on the real stuff!! She gets excited when she sees the food. The legs start kicking, the hands start grabbing and the face gets cheery, but after a couple bites, she's done.
Anyway, just needed a vent.
it took tru a while to get the whole solids thing down too. do you mix the cereal with formula? that seemed to help tru a bit. you wouldn't think it was a problem to look at him now! ha!
Yep, I do the cereal with formula. I also do two bottles a day with rice to get her used to the flavor. She just must be a sucker.
Great picture! Crazy or not but have you tried letting Hayden feed her a couple bites? Paige LOVED it when Blake would help feed was like a game. Once she gets a good taste she might actually want it. AND a bro and sis feeding session makes for some great pics...from the looks of it, it can't get any messier than it already is :)
That is a good idea. When Hayden is by her when she's eating, she can't take her eyes off him. I think she just wants to play since that is what happens when she is in her chair and he's around! Thanks, I'll try this today.
I know how you feel..Brody is almost off his bottle now, and it is hard to let those little things go, when you know they are so short-lived and special...
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