Sunday, April 4, 2010

Bah Humbunny

I feel the the Grinch of Easter. I didn't hype up the Bunny, but Hayden knew something "Santaish" was coming. We did baskets, but I hid them pretty simply. I was lazy and didn't feel like attending church. Buddy is not a church-goer and I really don't like going by myself. My dad pointed out I could have just gone with Hayden (he does like to go), but Hayden was glued to Buddy's side for the weekend and I didn't want him to miss out on Daddytime since Buddy is gone throughout the week.
I didn't put Miss Maya in her Easter dress that her Grandma B. got for her. (Don't worry, she'll wear it!!) I was just in no mood to bathe anyone in the morning, prep them for pics, only to have them want to play in the sandbox or grass within two seconds.

So, our day was filled with: Buddy and Hayden heading to the pool store to get a remedy for our swamp. The kids helping wash Bud's truck, me doing laundry. I did bake a ham, but moreso for Bud to be able to make sandwiches for work. I made a run to the grocery store for fruit, popcorn and beer. Ya, you read right. Then, while the kids slept, Bud watched some car show or Van Dame movie and I caught an episode of Lost in season 5. We ordered pizza, said goodbye for the week to Bud and finally all bathed and kids in bed.

So, that was our Easter Sunday in a nutshell. I have no adorable pics of the kids happily searching for their baskets, no festive pics in their Sunday best and nada on the "never forgotten memory" chart in my head.

But, we were together as a family and I think that's just as it should have been.

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