Thursday, April 15, 2010

Fill it up

Hayden went to the dentist a couple weeks ago for his 6 month check-up and ended up with a cavitiy. Uck. Hayden seemed extremely proud of himself for some reason. He talked about it like it was the coolest thing he has accomplished. I don't know how many times I had to tell him that they are not good and that it's a big bummer he has one.

So, today he got it filled. I wasn't allowed in to sit by his side and hold his hand. Not that I would have been able to. I get faint pretty darn easy. Anyway, I sat close to the door and could hear the dentist talking to him, the drills and other equipment running, but not a peep from Hayden. Not one yell out for me, not on cry of pain (not that I wanted that), not one little miniscule sound from my little man. Nope.

20 minutes later, he comes walking out of there with a smile that matched his Paul Frank monkey shirt. I got a nice, "Hi, Mom!" The dentist said he did wonderfully. He laid perfectly still, didn't make a sound, didn't shed one tear. Oh, he got gassed, not injected, just in case you were curious.

"Hey, Bud. How you doing? Does your mouth hurt?"

"No. I liked getting my cavity. See, I got a Transformer sticker for me and a sticker for Maya and I got this dinosaur."

Alright then. Off to Target for an Icee. As we are driving there, I asked him if his mouth hurt, again. He said no, he was fine.

Me: "So you liked getting your cavity filled?"

H: "Yep."

M: "It wasn't scary? Mommy doesn't like getting cavities filled. It's okay if you didn't like it."

H: "No, it wasn't scary. It was fine."

M: "What was your favorite part?"

H: "Getting the Transformer sticker."


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