Monday, November 1, 2010

A Very Happy Halloween!

I was dreading Halloween this year. Why? Because this
was my Halloween last year. Hayden hated his costume (which he picked) and cried the entire time. Maya was actually excited about it and had fun running around in her costume but she ended up eating the pavement just after going to the one and only house we went to and scraped up her nose pretty good. I took the kids by myself, it was hot (I wore a tank top and jeans and was warm) and I had just gotten home from a very emotional trip to Minnesota about 3 hours before heading out to t&t. Needless to say, it sucked.
I was so DELIGHTED this year!! Hayden picked his costume, Luigi, because it was green so he HAD to love it!! This was the third time he wore it and pretty much begged to be able to put it on. Success! Maya loved her wings and tutu and had a blast running around. She's getting to be such a big girl! Daddy was here to take the kids out, so I got to relax and hand out candy in the driveway. See the smiles? Even behind the mustache (which he kept on the ENTIRE night) there is a huge grin.

We were so lucky to have lived next door to these guys for a number of years before they moved last year. Since their neighborhood isn't huge, we invited them to come to our little temporary village to trick-or-treat! Kyle, Mario, is about 5 months older than Hayden and Clark, Luigi 2, is a year younger. They are all best buds and love to be together. Them coming over for Halloween may be becoming a tradition!
The troops lined up so good for a picture! For Maya to be in it is success. She was ready to go!

My Luigi!
We called her a fairy, but most people say butterfly. We just say she's stinking cute!

The wings were the start to the costume. Grandma W. had to get them for her. That left me to make the tutu and hair accessories. I think for the material used, I spent $4. Perfect.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i totally remember that last year, wow, the year went fast! so glad this one was better!

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