Thursday, November 18, 2010

Someone's got baby fever!

And it isn't me! Ha!

Hayden has been very inquizitive about babies lately. A couple months ago he asked where they come from. He knew Maya was in my belly, but he finally figured out she came out somehow. I was able to avoid the answer by saying I had to go to the bathroom. Whew.

Then, last week on the way to preschool, the question was asked again.

H: Mom, how was I born?

M: Um, well, you were in my tummy and then you were out.

H: How did I get out?

M: Well, I pushed you out.

H: Pushed? From where?

M: Mmmm, not ready to answer that quite yet, Dude.

H: What does the doctor do?

M: She helped take you out.

H: Did she cut me out?

M: No, Mommy pushed you out, but some babies are born where the Mommy's are cut to get the baby out.

H: You pushed me from where?

M: We're at preschool, let's talk later.

This week was this:
H: Mommy, we should have another baby.

M: Mm, ya, that's probably not going to happen.

H: But we need three. Amy has three, Ryker's mom has three.

M: That's what they want, but Mommy and Daddy just want two.

H: Well, I would like another baby. How do we get one?

M: Ask Daddy.

If these are the questions that are being asked at 5, I don't want to be around when he figures out that he's part me and part Daddy.


Mark, Shannon,Trey, Boston, & Lola said...

Thats hilarious!!!!!

Kelly said...

Awwe! You need to have 1 more for him! You will LOVE it. I figure if you know for sure you only want 2, then thats great.. but if there is a little doubt, then you should go for it.. Cause that would be horrible when you are older and kids are grow and regretting not having 1 more. You are a great mom, and Buddy is a great dad. And your kids are so cute. Just do it!! :)

top knot extensions said...

Im with Hayden!!! have another one!!! you will wish you did!!!

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