Saturday, March 19, 2011

Silent Sneaker

Maya has a small checklist of things that have to occur for her to go to bed: lamp on, Scentsy night-light on, sound machine on, sippy with a little water and ice, and lately, she wants her slippers with her too. We don't have to put them on her, she does that.

Tonight was no different, except for when I went in to check on her. I don't shut her door completely, just close it to where the latch hits, but when I got to the door, it was completely closed. Upon opening, I didn't hear a thing; the sound machine was off. Okay, maybe I didn't turn it on, but could have sworn I did; I turn it on, again. I then head towards her nightstand to shut off the lamp, which is the second reason I check on her, and I noticed her feet were bare and her flip-flops were nestled by her. I turn and see her slippers placed neatly on the floor and another glance up and her nightlight is off.

The little darling got out of her bed, quietly shut her door, turned off her sound machine and nightlight, took off her slippers, placed them quite neatly on the floor, grabbed her flip-flops and got back into bed. All by herself, without a peep.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


This is my name for Miss Maya lately as she has been quite a big stinker. I am having a hard time coming up with specifics, but here's a rundown:

She has an attitude, a big one.

She throws fits, almost once a day. Throw down, lay or sit on the floor crying fits. 2 last week were because I got the pop-tarts out of the box, not her.

She wants to dress herself. This takes forever!! Mostly because everything has to be done twice because it's backwards.

She is constantly taking my shoes out of my closest and not the flat healed ones.

She does not tell us when she poops and then gets her normal butt rash because it's been sitting so long and we haven't smelled it.

She refuses to potty train. We are not forcing it, but geez, it's time. And she wants to wear underwear. Just over her diaper or on her head.

She touches the TV screen constantly!! Man is this annoying!

Clean up? What? What's that?

She wants to be carried at unreasonable times. She will just sit herself down in the middle of: a parking lot, hallway, sidewalk, store.

She is addicted to gum.

She has stopped napping.

On the plus side, I think we are done with the Nuk. She refused it last night because they are now "too hot." She fell asleep just fine. (I'm using Thum on her Nuk's. It's a bitter tasting liquid used for nail biters, thumb suckers, etc. Did it w/ Hayden too and it worked great!)

She is very sassy, fun and becoming more outgoing. She is starting to like "dress up" and gets into her tutu's and legwarmers often. She is tough and dainty all in one.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

You're Awesome

Buddy and I moved a tree today. This involved digging a hole, digging up a large tree root, moving the friggin heavy tree to the newly dug hole, filling in around the tree and filling in the old tree hole. Both kids "helped".

As Buddy dug the new hole a little deeper without my help because the ground was really hard. I mean really hard. My weight jumping on the shovel barely cracked the surface. Anyway... As Buddy was jumping onto his shovel and breaking up the dirt Hayden said, "Daddy, you're awesome."

Buddy says, "thanks Bud."

Hayden: Is that why you became a Dad? So you could be awesome?

Buddy: Yep, that is exactly why I am a Dad.

Hayden: Cool.

Yesterday, Hayden told Buddy that he didn't love him anymore.

Apparently I am not awesome.
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