Saturday, March 19, 2011

Silent Sneaker

Maya has a small checklist of things that have to occur for her to go to bed: lamp on, Scentsy night-light on, sound machine on, sippy with a little water and ice, and lately, she wants her slippers with her too. We don't have to put them on her, she does that.

Tonight was no different, except for when I went in to check on her. I don't shut her door completely, just close it to where the latch hits, but when I got to the door, it was completely closed. Upon opening, I didn't hear a thing; the sound machine was off. Okay, maybe I didn't turn it on, but could have sworn I did; I turn it on, again. I then head towards her nightstand to shut off the lamp, which is the second reason I check on her, and I noticed her feet were bare and her flip-flops were nestled by her. I turn and see her slippers placed neatly on the floor and another glance up and her nightlight is off.

The little darling got out of her bed, quietly shut her door, turned off her sound machine and nightlight, took off her slippers, placed them quite neatly on the floor, grabbed her flip-flops and got back into bed. All by herself, without a peep.

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