Friday, June 24, 2011

How to Scare the Crap out of Mommy, by Maya

First, go to bed perfectly, with all your buddies you need in your bed and your blanket.

Next, look cute and perfect when your mom comes in to check on you when she goes to bed. Gather your buddies around you at some point so she takes a picture. She'll move them when she's done.

Now is the fun part. At about 12:57 am, scream for Mommy. Don't make it too loud, but sound scared, this will get her out of bed with only one shout out.

Then, when you know she's going to get out of bed, you need to get out of your bed and disappear. You've got a little time, Mommy is probably a little out of it. She's going to notice your door is shut, and she left it open. She opens the door and you are not in your bed. She will blink her eyes to make sure you aren't there (she hasn't put on her glasses).

Now is the part where Mommy will start to freak out. She will say your name repeatedly, each time sounding a little more frantic. She will look in the office, out in the kitchen and living room. After about 4 or five times, Daddy's going to get up. He will ask, "you can't find Maya?" Mommy says, "No, she's not in her bed!" Daddy will get up. "Did you check Hayden's room?" Mommy will check your brother's room, nope, just he and the dog sleeping are the only ones sleeping away.

By now, Mommy's heartrate is probably higher than when she is upstairs at the gym. But it looks like Daddy sees something.

Daddy lifts up the bedskirt and there you are! With a quick tug and pull, Daddy will get you back in your bed, tell you nice job hiding, but not funny. Mommy will come over, call you "Stinkerbell" and give you a kiss on your forehead.
Mommy's heart will slow down as she gets back in bed. Mommy and Daddy will have a little chuckle and chat about what just happened. When you wake up, you may or may not remember what happened, because you may or may not have been sort of sleepwalking. But, Mommy will just be thankful you were still in your room.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

What's going on in her lil noggin?

It's been a rough week. Some of this reasoning is the whole trying to teach Miss the whole going to the potty thing.

This is what I think is going through Maya's head about this whole potty-training fiasco: "Seriously, this whole going on the toilet thing is a joke. If I sit on the toilet, do what I am supposed to, I get praised, treats and cheers. But, I am going to have to wipe MYSELF, flush MYSELF, pull up my own pants and to top it off, get to the toilet on time. However, if Mommy or Daddy put a diaper or Pull-Up on me, they: clean me up, throw the dirty goods away, help me put my pants back on and I get clean drawers. Plus, I can do it anywhere, in any room, at any time and I don't have to make a mad dash to any toilet. I don't get the praise I do like. I don't get a treat, in fact they seem a little upset when I don't use the toilet. But it's so much easier and I just wanna play."

And me, I'm tired, worn out, completely just don't want to do this anymore. Maybe going to Grandma's will help.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

The Big P T

We are potting training now. Have been for awhile. It's been slow going with this one. Very, slow, going.

Whoever says that girls are easier to train than boys did not meet my boy and my girl. Hayden was actually pretty easy. I chock some of it up to his best buddy doing it at the same time. I was also more forceful with it because preschool was coming up and Baby was on the way and there was NO WAY I was having two kids in diapers at the same time. Hayden's actual "training" was maybe a month. He loved hearing us say, "Good job!" and "I am so proud of you." This was a big influence on him. If we didn't say one of these when he was done he would say, "Say you're so proud of me!"

Once, after lunch at the Rainforest Cafe with my parents, we all went to the restroom before we left. Hayden insisted on going with Grandma. When he came out, he had a big smile. I asked if he went and he said, "yep." I said my, "Good Job!" When I came out, he asked if I went. I said, "Yes." He said, "Good job!" =) I haven't gotten a 'Good job' from Miss yet.

Maya doesn't really seem to care. By this age, Hayden was completely trained, in underwear during the day and Pull-Ups at night. Maya, is still in diapers at night, Pull-Ups day. She really doesn't seem to care. We do the "Good job!" and "So proud of you." thing with her too. She gets a big smile and says "Thanks" most of the time and then two hours later she's wet.

However, the last couple days, she has started realizing when she has to go, so I think we may be on the right track. My goal is to be done in two weeks because we are heading out of state for a couple weeks after that. Her goal is whenever, she just wants Minnie Mouse underwear.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Lil Miss Attitude

This little one has been a BEAR lately. My fingers are tightly crossed that this is being caused by growing pains/teeth/being two. My bet is on being two and since that is about to end in two months time, I will try to cope.

Maya is loving the word 'No.'

Maya is not eating meat, unless it's in the form of a nugget and even then it's a struggle.

Maya is pulling attitude with hands on hips, head going to and fro, and eye rolling.

Maya does not allow others to pick her clothes.

Maya likes to tell us, Hayden included, that she doesn't love us or like us. Depends on the degree of trauma apparently.

Maya is addicted to Mickey Mouse and pals, meaning not just the show. Fit upon fit is thrown when it has to be turned off mid-show.

Maya insists on: buckling herself in the car; she's not strong enough. Closing her door from the inside; she can't reach. Putting the cover on her sippy's; it takes a while. Getting herself dressed; she's just a tad on the slow side when I need her on the speed side.

Maya is kinda mean to her brother. This girl hits. Hard.

I know these are all things that most kids and parents have to go through, I just don't remember Hayden being like this at 2. He was fun at 2! He loved to help, was kind, didn't care what he wore, ate everything, went with the flow of things. It has been a rough couple of weeks with the Shirley Temple twin. She is still so fun, does fabulous things, brings smiles to our faces every day, but the bad is kind of outweighing the good lately.

This too shall pass, but please pass quickly.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Class of 2011

Hayden graduated on Friday! Okay, he graduated from preschool, but it was still a big thing for us! The class had a little ceremony for which he got to wear a hat, got a diploma and a little trophy, each child gave their mom a rose, and this momma got a little choked up. It was just like a high school graduation. Just on a waaay smaller scale.
So The Dude is going to Kindergarten in two months. AAAck! I knew he'd grow up, just didn't realize how flipping fast it would happen. He is very excited about going to a big school and I am too, it's a big thing. *Sigh*
My tough little man and the rose he gave me. This kid was the biggest in his little class by a couple of inches and by far the most handsome. Fact.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Memorial Weekend Campin'

It was just us for the Memorial Weekend camping excursion this year. My brother, sis-in-law and niece came for one night. We had a fun time with just our little family. It was quiet, so we did get to bed at early hours. It was a great, although windy, time in the pines! First, a pitstop in Payson to fill up the RV with water and start the kids on their sugar.

Once arrived, unpacked and set up, Hayden wanted to take his quad for a spin. This is a MAJOR thing for us!! He's never wanted to drive it, only wanted to ride on it with Buddy. He used this thing more in one weekend than he has ridden it with Buddy in the year and a half we've had it.

He's a natural.

Miss Maya, innocently posing in front of the pines while Prada does some investigating of the land.

Hayden. Looking like he's about 7. He's 5.5. My giant boy.

Taking off on a little adventure.

The kids love taking pictures. I am liking this because when they are older, they will know that I really was there.

Maya does pretty good for just shy of 3, huh?

The first Rhino ride of the weekend. Maya would live on this thing if it was possible. She loves riding. What I really don't like about riding with her: I have to brush her hair at the end of the day. It's worth it though for the smiles and screams (happy ones) we get to see and hear from her!

My favorite part of camping; the FIRE!! Seriously, I'm a pyromaniac with the camping fires. Buddy cuts the wood, I stack it up, then build the fire and stoke the fire. I want the fire going all day and night. I may have a slight problem.

We have to get wood somehow. Tie a rope to a dead, fallen tree; hook it to the Rhino and pull. Viola! Firewood. With help from the chainsaw of course.

A nice break to play in the dirt. Only camping to I not mind the dirt. There is alot of dirt.

We went for a ride to find the lake. We did have to hike a little bit to get to the lake.

Just about there. Maya showed her independence a little and wanted to walk. She did pretty well considering the terrain.

A few from below of what we walked down. Then we had to walk back up.

Made it to the lake.

The kiddos threw rocks in the lake. That was about it for the lake. We did have that truck back up you know. Relaxing by the fire. See? Told ya I like fire. It's still daylight. Close to dark, but not that close.

Me and my Boy!

Buddy likes the chainsaw. He got a little bored and needed something to do. Why not get the power tool and make something in the forest?

A little chair for Miss.

Maya had fun riding on the quad too. She rode with me most of the time, but hopped on with Hayden for a little (slow) ride.
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