Sunday, November 30, 2008

Hair Bow Success!!!

I finally got a bow in Maya's hair and it stayed for the better part of the day!!! I am soooo not a person who will put a band around my child's head with a big old flower or bow on it. I can't do it. I feel so bad for the babies I see with this big old garden on their head! I am totally like this with babies getting their ears pierced as well, so I am sorry if I offend anyone, it's just not me! I did get one of those bands as a gift and I put it on her just to see what she'd look like. Well, something just didn't look right and she screamed her head off! HA HA! So I love the velcro bow idea! We didn't go anywhere today, so I thought I'd see how long this little girl would be able to keep it attached. I think it looks pretty darn cute. But I am so fine with nothing in her hair as well! I was not expecting a baby with this much hair, so I am just figuring out the trick to keeping it in.
Had she been a baldy you may ask? Well, she would probably not be wearing anything on her head.
Perhaps we'll see how it works tomorrow with a run to Target and a stay at daycare.

Friday, November 28, 2008

The Decorating has begun! Bring on Christmas!

Helper Hayden getting the ornaments on the tree. This was his first time really helping!
The finished tree!
The season is here, so my decorating has begun! I am getting more into the holidays in Arizona as the years go by. With no snow and an unbiting chill, it was hard to get into when we first came to the desert. But, now that the kids have arrived, I think the holiday spirit will get to me sooner each year. Hayden is continually asking when Christmas will be here and when the "Christmas Man" is going to come. I am so excited to see his face on Christmas morning after Santa, aka the Chrismas Man, has come. This is the start of the years where he has an understanding of what is in store!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Why children do not pick out their outfits!

This is why we should never allow our children to pick out their clothes. However, Buddy was upstairs with Hayden and Hayden insisted on wearing this. He did have on a brown belt at one point, but realized Daddy didn't have a belt on, so he didn't need one. Oh, and that forementioned belt, it was Buddy's.

So, that's Red Cardinals shirt, Bright Orange with White and Blue stripes shorts, Grey to the knee socks, and Black/Red/Silver shoes. Minus one Brown belt, Male Adult Large.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Hayden and his sister

Maya hasn't quite figured out to smile at the camera yet! But, she'll smile for Hayden anytime!
When I got Hayden in the car the other day to head to preschool, he said the FRIGGIN CUTEST thing. First of all, Hayden is not an aggressive kid. He doesn't hit, bite, kick, spit, etc. to other children. He does hit his Daddy, but it is all in play. So, with that fact ticked off, this is what Hayden said: "Mommy, I don't hit Maya." I said, "Of course not, that wouldn't be nice would it?" He said, "No, she is just to precious." My heart seriously skipped! How sweet is that?

Hayden loves his sister. When she is on the floor under her little Baby Einstein play mat thingy (term?) he lays down next to her and talks with her. She is in the process of trying to roll over, so she'll roll toward him and grab his face and talk to him. He gobbles it up and laughs and talks back. When she's in her swing and cries, he rushes and asks her whats wrong, tries to find her NUK and can usually get it in the right way. Loves to hold and feed her. He's held her hand in the car. He has to push her in the stroller into the gym. And whenever someone comes over to visit, including the Schwan's man, he always says, "Wanna see my baby sister?"
That, I think, is true love!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Our 2008 Family Photo Session

These are my favorite pics from our latest session with our photographer, Jackie Lindfors! See "My Friends who Blog" to see more of her work! I am having so much more fun with the pictures we have had taken with her than with any studio photographer I've been too. I love having more playful pics then the super posed stiff look. Although I do cherish all of our pictures we've had taken, there is something about these and all our others Jackie has taken that I love even more.
It's our first time having pictures taken outside and I love them! However, it was 94 degrees that day and I had to wear a sweater. You'd never know how much I was sweating by looking at these! Enjoy!

Our first kiss on camera since our wedding day. Let the Aww's begin.....
Maya and Mommy time.
The Blattner family. I absolutely love this finish. It's not sepia, but has an old quality to it.

Me and Buddy in our first pic together since the arrival of the kids.

Daddy doing what Daddy's love to do.
Our little man, Hayden, showing his personality. Always with the tongue.

Miss Maya, so yummy...

My FAVORITE pic, possibly ever so far. The Aww's continue.....

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Christmas is coming!!!!!!!!!

Okay, so I've been having fun with this whole blog thing. I figured out how to get music on here, obviously, but then I got to realizing that I will be able to put Christmas music on here!!! WOO HOO!!!

Living here in Arizona it's hard to get into the Christmas mood. Having snow on the ground may suck, but it sure helps with getting into the Christmas spirit. Each year has gotten easier, but it always helps me to hear that Christmas music I love so much! Stay "tuned", I've got my playlist ready to go. I'll try to hold off until after Thanksgiving, but I already have O Holy Night running through my head.......

For all you Minnesotans checking in on me, I will post some pics which I am sure will give you quite the chuckle. Snowmen on display upon rock. It's quite a humerous thing to drive around the valley at this time of year when people start to get into holiday spirit. We obviously don't get snow, so when you put a snowman in your front yard, there is something not quite right.

I am rambling on, but I am looking forward to this Christmas as it's Maya's first!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Sickness has fallen

This sucks. We are all sick in the Blattner house. Buddy and I can handle it. We take medicine, it takes a bit to kick in, we go on. Hayden knows how to blow his nose, tell us when he needs something and takes his medicine when we tell him. Poor Maya is just a little thing and can't tell us what's wrong. Her little cry has become weak from a little soreness in her throat. I just want to wrap her up and hold her close and take the cold away. I can't. Thank God she is eating and sleeping fairly well or else I would be going insane with worry. She has no fever, but you can just see the alertness that is usually there has gone on vacation.

Yesterday was bad, both her and my colds kicked into high gear. The night before she didn't sleep very well, waking up at 11, 2, 3 and 4. Then for good at 7:20. I am absolutely serious when I say this baby girl of mine goes to bed between 8 and 9 and doesn't wake up to eat until 4 or 5, then sleeps until 6:30 or so. But many a time yesterday both of us were in tears. Her because she felt so crappy and me because I felt crappy and couldn't help her except to hold her and try to calm her. Last night she only woke twice and then for good at 6:30. Today has been better. We've gotten some smiles and coos. She's played and kicked in her chair and taken two nice long naps. I think the worst is over. She sleeps now in her swing and I can hear her snores. Her little nose is a bit stuffy, but seems to be better. Her NUK is staying put now, so the breathing is easier.

I hope this is the last of the sickness for her little body, at least for awhile. She's woken up now and is looking around. She has caught sight of the TV. Hayden and Buddy are watching Speed Racer. She's mesmorized. Buddy turned her swing so she could watch without turning her little head. A couple little coughs have escaped. She's content, alert, happy. I think it's going to be a better night.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Halloween 2008! Hayden loved trick-or-treating last year so we thought it would be a snap to get him in his costume to get going. Nope! It was a struggle, he wouldn't get into it for anything. Thanks to our neighbor, Brian, who wanted to see Optimus Prime, that got him to get into costume! He then had a blast running around and pulling the wagon from house to house. Maya got tuckered out handing out candy with me, but looked adorable in her bumble bee costume!

Last minute carving, pretty good huh?

Cutest little baby bumble bee!

Hayden and his best buds and neighbors, Clark and Kyle.

Me, Bumble Maya and Optimus Prime, aka Hayden

And they're off...

Buddy and the kiddies.

A worn out Little Bee.

Is he lucky or unlucky? I think a little of both...

I went home to Minnesota for a week with the kids this Fall for a little vacation. Yes, me, alone, with a 3 year old and newborn on a three hour flight! It actually went pretty smoothly both ways! Knock on wood. It was Hayden's 8th trip on a plane. Anyway, one day while we were there, I realized something about the way Hayden is growing up compared to how I did. I probably rambled a bit from time to time, but I hope I got the gist of my point made. From a Minnesota raised mom, to an Arizona raised son, this is what I wrote.....
As I put my three year old son, Hayden, to bed tonight, I realized how lucky he has been this past year. None of his luck came from any kind of object, however plentiful they were. For starters, he was told he was going to be a big brother. He may not have realized just what that meant, but he seemed excited.

In March, he and I flew up to Minnesota for a spur of the moment visit to see my Grandma (Grandma Ginny to Hayden) in the hospital. Although cold during our stay, we were lucky enough to see a lot of snow fall. So Hayden's fortune was to play in the snow for the first time in his short life. Snowballs were thrown against the house and a tree; a snowman was built just his size. Walking in the snow was an adventure in itself. He hadn't done this before and he loved it!

Although I was so happy he was having so much fun, I couldn't help but be a little sad. I grew up with this stuff, played in it every year. I made dozens of snowmen, threw hundreds of snowballs, went sledding, skiing and built forts. Yes, I even ate it.

My point of babbling is this: we live in Arizona. I do like Arizona, there are lots of worse places we could be. It is hot in the summer, very hot, but the winter balances that out. But, no matter how wonderful many people may think that is, we don't have snow, we have rocks, all year long in our yards. Rocks. Some places in Arizona do have snow, but where we're at, we don't. Does this make Hayden lucky or unlucky? Most kids around here have never experienced snow.

However short or visit to Minnesota this March was, Hayden still remembers and talks about it.

Continuing with the lucky year of Hayden we come to May and the annual trip of my parents' visit to Arizona. Yes, he did see them in March and had a blast, but them coming to see him is so much better. It is all Hayden, all the time. Grandpa never has to leave for the office and Grandma never has to go to the store or music practice. It is playtime fun with Hayden at all times. They go for walks, to the park, play ball in the backyard (we do have grass back there), swing, play cars, trains, puzzles, books...the fun never stops.

Until it does. Grandma and Grandpa have to leave at some point. Hayden gets sad before we even leave for the airport. He knows, he won't get to see them for a while. It is always sad for me. I never drive away from the airport dry eyed. It's hard to get out a thank you for coming and an I love you to them as they unload their suitcases from the car and give hugs goodbye. It's never easy living that far from your family and it doesn't get easier, especially when you have children. You just learn to live without them closeby and make the best of what you have when you do get to visit one another.

When children enter the picture it's hard because I don't have on-call babysitters. I don't have overnights without kids because they are staying with Grandma and Grandpa. I don't have the luxury of dropping off the kids to go shopping alone or to the doctor. Hayden is so lucky to have four terrific grandparents who do spoil him every chance they get and who love him dearly. The great thing about this now is that Hayden remembers things. He knows who they are when he sees them and talks about things they did the last time they saw each other. But the sad thing is that he has to do that. I didn't have to remember the last time I saw my grandparents, because they were always there. So does this make Hayden lucky or unlucky? He has great relationships with his Grandmas and Grandpas, but he doesn't get to see them as much as I would like. On the other hand, some kids don't know their grandparents or maybe only have one.

At the end of July, Hayden got my mom all to himself. He was in Grandma heaven! I was too pregnant to do much of anything, so they went swimming, played outside in 100+ degree weather, went to the park and walked to preschool. He loved his time with Grandma.

When his baby sister was born, he was so proud. Grandma took him for walks around the hospital so he didn't get stir crazy in my tiny hospital room. He told everyone he saw in the hallways he had a new baby sister. Everyone. On one venture out, one of the nurses he had made friends with spotted him and brought him to see the medical helicopter that was parked outside. Through the glass door, he was mesmorized by this monstrous machine. Grandma was with him explaining the parts of the chopper that she knew. After a few minutes of peering throught the glass, the pilot came to the door and invited them out to take a look!

Hayden got to see the inside of the helicopter, checked out the cockpit, the medical equipment and all the gadgets. When they were safely back inside the hospital, they watched the helicopter startup and take off. I am totally serious when I say Hayden has mentioned that helicopter just about every day since. Anybody he sees, he tells them about it. How lucky was he? His dad was so jealous and admits it!
His time with Grandma was so great. For both of them, it was a special bonding time. My mom got to learn more about him because they got to spend so much time alone together. I think that is pretty amazing. I know she will always treasure that time with him because there probably won't be another alone time like that with him. Even if Hayden doesn't remember every detail or day, he has her to remind him and pictures to show him.

I am not omitting Hayden's new sister, Maya, because I don't have anything to write about her; this is just about Hayden and how this year has been a biggy for him. Hayden is in love with his sister. He loves to hold her, kiss her, feed her and just be near her, but he just doesn't fully understand what she's all about yet. So, Hayden's year continues...

Buddy's parents came to visit in September to see there new granddaughter. Hayden was again in grandparent heaven. He brought out the cars, trains, books, puzzles everything. Grandpa got to drive him to and from preschool which was the best ever! Grandpa has a cool truck as Hayden likes to say. He sat in a big boy car seat (booster) for the first time. Wow!

This Fall we signed Hayden up for soccer. Can you picture three and four year olds playing soccer? Funniest thing ever! Grandma and Grandpa got to see his first practice. Pretty special! Not that it was much of a practice, but they were there and that was great. If Grandma and Grandpa weren't up by the time Hayden came downstairs, you can bet they were up within ten minutes. It was still warm enough outside that the pool felt good, so Grandma joined Hayden in the pool many a time.

When it came time, again, for Grandma and Grandpa to leave, Hayden waved to them from the garage. He didn't know where they were going, he knew they were headed to Texas, but what's Texas to a three year old? As the door to the garage closed, he asked when they were coming back. I had to tell him they weren't coming back to our house for awhile. He started to cry. It's heartbreaking that he understands that now. I never like to see my son cry, but when it's because he's sad, I think it makes it worse. It's not from an owie or a bump, it's sadness. So, lucky or unlucky?

Each and every time his grandparents leave, the next few days when he wakes up he asks where they are. Throughout the days, he asks where they are. He stops asking after a few days, but once in awhile out of the blue, he'll ask me, Where's Grandpa? Where's Grandma? I say, "Minnesota".

As you can see by the pictures below, Hayden had his first experience with a "real" Fall. I should say a Minnesota Fall. Arizona just doesn't have an Autumn season. It gets a tad cooler and people start to put the tank tops and shorts away, but it's just not a "real" Fall season. Everything on the trees and bushes is still green and flowering. The grass may be green, brown and green combo, or brown; it depends on when you have decided to reseed with your winter grass. We have winter and summer grass here. And lots and lots of rocks. We don't have the beautiful Autumn colors, it's all pretty and green and colorful with flowers. Yuck. This time of year I want Fall colors, dreery days, falling leaves and the smell. Yes, I do like living where we do.

So, back to my son's first experience with Fall. We took a trip out to the lake so Hayden could see the water and so we could rake up a leaf pile. My mom raked up a nice, big pile. I put Maya in the pile first to get some pictures of her looking all cute in her coat. Then, Hayden came out from playing cars and trucks with Grandpa in the cabin. You could tell he didn't know what to do. He's three years old and didn't know what to do with a pile of leaves. He started to kick at it and thought it was funny when the wind would take the leaves. He would kind of kneel into the pile, but didn't jump. Mom and I had to show him how to jump into the pile and he finally did. He loved it! He would get up and jump back in, get up kick some more and repeat the process. He didn't exactly jump into the leaves like I did as a kid, but he did his own kind of jump and really liked it. I had to wonder if my parents had to show me how to jump into a pile of leaves or if I just knew what to do. So, is he lucky or unlucky?

He gets to brag to his friends that he's gotten to play in the snow and play in a leaf pile all in one year. Most kids around here either have never seen snow or have seen it, but only a few times in a lifetime. In Arizona we don't have those huge maple and oak leaves lying on the ground just waiting to be raked into a pile and jumped in. What we do have is chilly, not cold, Winters, which we can still play outside in and not have snot frozen to our top lips. We have beautiful Springs where you can drive through neighborhoods and smell the orange trees blooming. We have super hot summers where we can jump in our pool in the backyard at any time to cool off and spash around. We don't wear jackets until December if at all and never have to wear snowboots, snowsuits or snowpants. We where shorts, tanks and flip-flops through October and can wear open-toed shoes all year round.

We may not have that Fall/football season "smell" or white Christmas's, but we have our little group of family and friends here that help make it feel more like home every year. I will always miss Autumns, snow, and most of all family and friends. But, I do love it here and I think Hayden is a pretty lucky little boy to have the best of both worlds.

He's lucky.

Know what I mean?

Fall in Minnesota

Hayden kicking the leaves before he jumped. He wasn't too sure about jumping as this was his first time seeing a pile of leaves!!

He likes it!

Maya gets placed into the pile. She seemed to like it. See never made a peep and
did crack a few smiles.

A close up.....

Hayden walking along the sidewalk in Olivia. How pretty is Fall?
I miss it so.

By Grandma W's dying garden. But something about it said "take my picture"!

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