Monday, November 9, 2009

Hayden vs. Maya

I don't know if it's a girl/boy thing or just the difference in two different kids. Since they are my own, I thought they'd have some similarities; I'm still looking for them!

Hayden: Tried a few times to open cupboards and then realized he couldn't get in, so he left them alone. I do have a couple that are child okay for fun. :)
Maya: She figured out out to open the child-proof cupboards. You know, the ones with the little white lever thing?

Hayden: We didn't have a dog, but had a cat. Never went to the bowl to empty or eat.
Maya: Into the dog dish, all the time. She starting to veer away when we catch her starting, but she still darts for it.

Hayden: Bathtub... We had the bathseat that hooks onto the edge of the tub and swivels. Never attempted to get out until he was almost a year and half and by then he was fine to be out.
Maya: She figured out really early on how to stand up, at about 11 months. We've since taken the seat out and let her move around.

Hayden: Has yet to break a dish, just broke a porcelain cat I had on a low shelf as a crawler. My fault, not his.
Maya: Has already broken two dishes. One corningware dish which I am now down to only one (thanks to myself and my mom) (see above about child-proof cupboards) and Saturday she pulled off a placemat from the table with a plate already on it. Scared the crap out of her!! Maybe that will deter her...

Hayden: STILL wants to just ride in the stroller. He would go for hours as a little guy in the mall. As long as it was moving, he was good.
Maya: HATES being in the stroller for too long. This was apparent at only a few weeks old. She wanted to be held so she could see out. Now, she wants to stand up in the stroller or walk.

Hayden: We never strapped the kid in the highchair. Okay, we did when we first got it, but then realized it was a pain and he would just put his arms up when he wanted out. He sat, ate and waited basically
Maya: Has figured out how to stand up in the high chair and will do so within minutes and now has to be strapped in.

Hayden: Is a bit of a picky eater.
Maya: Tries anything to eat and usually eats anything.

Hayden: Cars
Maya: Purses

Hayden: Wasn't really a climber. He got the stairs and those had the gate, so it was no biggy. He figured out how to get on the coffee table, but the fun wore off quickly. He didn't climb onto stuff to get stuff, just pointed and looked for someone to get it.
Maya: Moves tubs, chairs and whatever so she can climb onto anything. Figured out up and down the stairs too fast. Will attempt stacked tubs to get to the top if available.

Hayden: Napped twice a day no matter what.
Maya: If she takes a morning nap it HAS TO BE 30 minutes or less or there is no afternoon nap.

Hayden: Bald, then straight locks at nine months.
Maya: Full head of hair. Then, at nine months, spiral curls.



Mark, Shannon,Trey, Boston, & Lola said...

Very cute post!!!! Do you know how come your blog is not updating on my blogroll when you do a new post? Do I need to do something?

Aunt Mary said...

Wow, Jennifer... Aunt Leats was here and said to check out your web - haven't got to that yet.. what a great blog... hope you print it and keep it for Hayen & maya... I have kept a cabin diary since 1970 - so many great memories.. Buddy's family was here a lot when he was little.. didn't have the use of the computer until 2000 - anyway, keep it up.. am sure Kit and JoAnn think it is great too! Hugs, Aunt Mary

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