Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Trick or Treat!

This was the first time I took the kids door to door.  I'm usually the one handing out candy, but this year I wanted in on the action. 
The Green Lantern, Batgirl and I ventured off for some fun about 6:15.  It was so neat watching Maya so excited strutting around in her costume.  Hayden is a pro, stands behind the mat or far back enough from the door where he knows he won't get nailed by it.  Maya pretty much enters the house upon the door opening. 
We just did a little loop around the neighborhood.  Unfortunately (or maybe fortunate) there were alot of dark doorways.  The kids took turns ringing bells, they both said "Trick or Treat" perfectly, and a couple houses gave them a handful (I mean huge man-handfuls). A couple houses scared the begeezus out of Hayden with their decor and music that he wouldn't go more than 15 feet from the door, but Maya went right on up ready for her goodies. One house even had a pretty scary Teen Wolf that scared her when she turned from the bowl.  She jumped back, turned and looked at me and said, "Mom, that guy scared me."  She definitely takes after Dad in that regard.  
Daddy also took them to some more houses when we finished or loop.  Then we sat and handed candy out as a family from the driveway.  It was a fun night, both kids got their sugar high and then conked out when their heads hit pillows.  

 Yes, the ring gave him power!!  You didn't lift his bag!  =)
 On her turn to ring the bell, she knocked too.  She needs to be heard.
Ready to pack it in.  Happy Halloween!! 

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