Monday, February 8, 2010

Close to crying

I was so frigging close to crying today. Not for sadness, not for lack of sleep, not for losing my was because Hayden read to me today!

Hayden has been going to a wonderful, I repeat wonderful preschool for just about two years now. I know he's been learning just from day to day things; counting, sounding, singing, general stuff. Typically I ask him what he did in preschool that day and he says, "nothing" or "just {fill in the blank}." His teacher always gives me a little rundown of the day, what he did, how good he's doing, etc. I am always amazed at what she says because he never continues at home! He'll talk a little about it, show me his letters and sounds. And in a matter of minutes, he's done. I am totally okay with that. He's four, I get it. The attention span of a four year old is short. So when he doesn't want to continue, I stop.

BUT!!! Today!!! He READ to me! I was literally almost brought to tears!! He was so proud of himself. More proud than I have ever seen him! He has this little book that he has been working on at school called, "Mat" and today he brought it home. I knew he'd been working for a couple days on reading this book, so I thought, okay, he has it memorized. Well, he may have it memorized, but I could tell he was really reading it. He was sounding out the words, stumbing a couple times, but actually reading. He was really looking at the word, putting the sounds together and forming a word. He was making the word 'mat' into a three syllable word to a one syllable word. (Insert me singing a trill here.)
So, typically, he shows me what he does at school and he's over it. I tell him he has to show Daddy when he gets home. He was so excited to read to Daddy when he got home that Daddy got read the book in the bathroom.

I am a proud, proud mom today.

1 comment:

Jackie said...

:) So proud I'm sure! It is amazing how they pick stuff up and then like magic, it is presented to you, and then you want to say, "wow, you know that?!"

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