Friday, February 11, 2011

Who grew the neck?

This morning I took told of Hayden's neck and gave it a nice squeeze from the back. No calling CPS, it wasn't hard! Geez... Anyway, he asked why I squeezed his neck.

M: Because I made it and I can.

H: You didn't make my neck.

M: Yes, I did. How else did you get a neck?

H: You didn't make it. I just had a head when I was a baby and then my neck just pushed it up. Then, I had a neck.

M: Alrighty then.

I jotted this done on my facebook and then got to thinking and I remembered these pictures from when he was about 2 months old. He may be right:

It's funny how we can remember taking some pictures and can't place when others were taken. These I remember. Buddy was holding him and being the new mom that I was, I basically had the camera attached to my hand. I snapped the first one to take note of all the chins. Right after, he got a little wiggly and Bud held him up a little. All of a sudden, this neck appears.

And now he's five. Excuse me while I curl up into a ball in the corner and cry about how time nevers stops.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Those pictures are priceless!! Mine hasn't grown his neck yet. But I'll have to remember to photograph it when he does!!

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