Years flashed before my eyes today. I saw my son as he may look as a young man. I didn't like it!
He'll be gorgeous of course, I just didn't like the fact that my baby, my first born, my little boy is going to be a big boy, a young man and a man one day.
I took this picture to show his aunt, Chrissy, his shirt she gave him for Christmas and this was the outcome. Can you not see the man he's going to be someday?
He's only three, I know I have many years ahead, but I couldn't help but get a little choked up. My baby, my first born, my little boy is growing up.
wow yes, he's a heartbreaker!
I know Brian alway reminds me that my boys time with me is 1/6th done and I HATE it!! I think I will be the crazy lady that had her 40 year old kids living in the basement!!!
I know the feeling...I remember how tiny Tyler's hands and fingers were...he grew up before my eyes and it seems to go faster the older he gets. Tyler is now taller than me and I am 5'7". He wears Express men, Holister, and all that other fab "stuff" and it's not shopping in the little boys section at Gap or Old Navy anymore. Truly how time flies. Enjoy it all!! Can you believe how fast Maya is growing??!! She's already eating baby food!!!! oh my...
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