Saturday, March 20, 2010

1 bite, 2 bite, 3 bite, 3

Hayden is not a good eater. He eats, but it takes a lot of effort on his parents part to get him to eat. Oh, you put mac and cheese or chicken nuggets in from of him and he dives right in. It's the other gazillion things which are made and served him that are hard to get down his throat. (breakfast/lunch/dinner food, not snacks)

Anyway, one thing that is starting to get easier to get him to munch down are veggies. Tonight, he shunned the green beans so I asked if he could eat peas instead. To my amazement, he said "sure". Maya loves them, so we usually have them on hand.

Getting him to eat something starts out with the same line, "how many bites do I need to eat?"

This time around, I pushed it with three. His reply: "how bout 7?"

Uh... sure?

I give him one.

His time frame for chewing is approximately the time span of a typical commercial break. It seems to take forever!

Done with the first bite and he says, "um, how bout I just have three bites?"

I say that's fine.

Let me just mention that I am filling the spoon and pouring them in his mouth. His idea of a bit would be one pea.
He's on the second bite now. I think the time lapse for this is 5 minutes.

Now, the third bite down.

As he is starting his second minute of chewing I get another bite for him and tell him that it's bite number three. His expression changed to confusion and I can see the gears in his head moving.


"Yep," I say, "this is bite number three."

He says to me, "Mom, you're screwed up!"

He ate the "third" bite.

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