Sunday, March 7, 2010

Bring me the roll

For the weak of stomach, this tale is about barf.

Maya ate a lot tonight. She ate it fast too. Mac and cheese, green beans, Cutie orange and a pack of fruit snacks. Then, she played. A lot. Bath time, all good. Got the kids ready for bed and we headed downstairs.

Maya ran to the stairs, stopped short, and barfed. She looked up at me and smiled like all was good. I told Hayden to go downstairs and get me the roll of paper towels.

I heard the rumblings of more barf headed up. Grabbed Miss and ran to my bathroom, which isn't far. All over the tile and just a smidge in the sink. This girl swallowed a whole slice of orange!! Jeez! She looked on the sink and started saying "Tee tee!" (Teeth, teeth). She loves to brush. Well, she must feel better.

In the meantime, Hayden had not come up yet. I yelled down to get the paper towels. He said he was. Up the stairs he came; with one.

Perterbed, I repeated myself, again. "Please bring me the roll of paper towels. The whole roll."

While I used my one to clean up the explosion, I could hear him.

"Ah crap" was what went through my mind. He came upstairs with the whole roll alright. The whole roll UNrolled; minus the cardboard tube.

Now, I have a very large pile of papertowels shoved into the papertowel holder. My counter will be amiss for weeks.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

lol! :)

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