Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Okay, so I got a little upset with myself after my post two days ago. But, I've kinda been a single mom for the past few months, I wasn't (and still am not) feeling swell and it was just one of those days. I know everyone has them, just not everyone writes it down.

So here is my reason for thinking of this. I was going through my Facebook homepage and saw that one of my friends had to take her son, 5 months old or so, to Urgent Care and ended up with a diagnosis of a double ear infection. I have seen this on a few other's status updates in previous months and I always feel sorry for the parent and quite relieved as one also.

I have been so fricking lucky to have such seriously healthy kids!! No Urgent Care trips here!! Neither one of them has had an ear infection. I don't remember ever having one as a kid and Buddy doesn't either. I do remember my brother having one or two and drinking the pink medicine that smelled like bubblegum.

Hayden has never had what I would consider the flu, just a little stomach thing twice at night and he was fine the following day. Colds, yes, but never anything serious. I have taken Hayden to the doctor once, that I recall, for something other than the routine checkups. I thought he was getting an ear infection because he tugged on his ear once and was a little more crabby than usual. He was teething. He's never had a prescription, never had any aversion to formula or allergic reaction to food. We think he's allergic to cats though. That will be tested again soon. The kid hasn't had a fever since he was 1.

He has, however, been to the ER twice. Both for the same thing and something completely avoidable. Nursemaids elbow. He slipped in the locker room at the gym when he was 1.5 and he was holding my hand at the time. I pulled up, he went down, screaming from him and panic from me. The second time was from playing in his room. Him and I (of course, the one who's typically NOT rough) were just having fun, he was on one side of the bed, me on the other; I grabbed his hands, pulled and her the pop. Off to the ER. **Please don't pull your kids up by just their hands!! That's how this happens and I kick myself when I catch myself doing it to Maya!! (Which I hardly ever do!)

Miss Maya has had a few more colds in her shorter time. She had the flu once that lastest a few days. I figured out her formula issue myself. And she had a horrible cough that lasted for months last year, but it only affected her at night. Since she was otherwise perfectly healthy, the doc said to watch it, it may be allergies. Sure enough, Springtime came and it got a smidge worse. Got some sample packets of Singular and it was gone. Never a prescription for this girl either!!

Everyone around here (AZ I mean) and many on Facebook have kids that have had ear infections, nebulizers (sp?), pooping issues (with all three kids at some point for one I may add), asthma, other breathing stuff, colic, formula problems, double ear infections and that's what I can think of now.

I am so very thankful for my two extremely healthy, not to mention adorable, kids. I am such a lucky mom. I am so lucky to have both of them here, in my family, my home and my heart.

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