Saturday, July 10, 2010

Today I:

Slept until 7:10.
Made a run to the dealership to pick up Buddy after dropping off his truck at 8:30.
Shampooed the RV carpet 6 times and am sure I didn't get out all the dirt.
Gave the pup a bath only because Maya, Prada and I were all in the bathroom at the same time.
Snuggled a little bit with Maya and watched the first half of Beetlejuice while waiting for Buddy and Hayden to come home from Home Depot. This, was HEAVEN!!
Killed about 20 flies using my deep fryer spatula because the fly swatter broke and we have
about a gazillion flies in the kitchen.
Made sandwiches.
Put up a lovely fly tape/trap in the kitchen.
Stepped on the tack that comes with the fly trap to help attach it to where ever you'd attach it. Those things friggin hurt to step on. Right where the big toe bends. I haven't walked right all day.
Put Maya down for a nap and had to wake her after only and hour and a half to retrieve Buddy's truck from the dealer.
Helped Bud a little with RV fixes.
Painted a frame/board that Buddy lovingly crafted for me.
Swam in the pool with my family.
Danced in the pool with my son.
Had a nice dinner of pretty much unhealthy goodies.
Enjoyed a beer or two.
It was a nice, productive, painful, happy, lovely, humid 110 degree day in Arizona.

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