Tuesday, October 26, 2010

From Cute to Fab!

Family pictures are coming up and in July (ya, July) I start to ponder what we'll wear, what colors I am in the mood for and how we can coordinate, but not be the "look at the goons in the teal shirts" family. It didn't rule my thoughts for the next 4 months, but when I clothes shop, it's at the back of my mind. If you didn't catch it, the color I am playing with is teal. I got the idea from a shirt I found for Hayden this summer and which he will now be wearing for pictures. I found this dress for Maya and thought I could put a teal ribbon around the middle and it would be fine. H's shirt has white and black in it too, so it could work. I do like the dress...
I tried the ribbon thing and it didn't work quite right. So, I spent awhile online looking for something else. I found something, but it just wasn't what I was thinking. I went back to the dress and thought I could just get some teal fabric and make a skirt that could be sewn right in between the white and the black of the dress.
It worked! It's a satiny fabric and I think it adds just what it needs. Plus, I can take it out because I didn't stitch it completely in. Then, after I took this pic I thought, "Crap, it's crooked!" I started to look closely and yes, it's crooked, but it's not because of my intermediate sewing skills. The black fabric is longer on the (your) right side. Another idea came...
I cinched it! I figured it wouldn't look fabulous as is and I pondered a bow or a flower so I started checking out Etsy. Of course I found just what I was looking for!
What'dya think!? I think it looks better in person. :) The flowers came in a group of three, so Miss M is wearing one in her hair and I am even thinking of wearing one. Somewhere.
I think we're ready for our shots!

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